Community Challenge 2007


Twenty-seven postgraduates and members of staff participated in the Graduate Chemistry Association Community Challenge 2007 on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st July. In association with Business in the Community and Young Bristol, their task was to transform an area of wasteland at Stockwood Community Centre into a garden that will be used by all sections of the local community. Wet weather conditions did not dampen volunteers' enthusiasm. The finished garden is complete with bark paths, benches, a lawn and raised beds with a range of plants including Lavender and Red Pimpernel. The project was led and organised by Natalie Stear, Joe Beames and Claire Rosling.

Funds totalling £2350 were raised in advance of the project. The ball started rolling with a fundraising gig featuring Mango Factory on May 1st. This was followed by a cake sale on June 8th. The project was further supported by vcashpoint, the University of Bristol Alumni Foundation, the University of Bristol Centre for Public Engagement and Astra Zeneca. Photos from the Challenge can be viewed here.

bulletBefore & after
bulletThree Months Later