Dr.Laetitia Vieille
I am French, during my Ph.D. thesis, I have been focusing on the intercalation chemistry of anionic clays, and particularly on hydrocalumite which belongs to the layered double hydroxide family. I have worked on the incorporation of polymer into a hydrocalumite host structure which is of current concern for cement applications (Macro Defect Free Cement).

Now, I have begun to work on different research projects :
- Molecular wrapping : I make a ultrathin silica layer around a helical polymer
- MCM nanoparticles synthesis : I try to synthesize a mesostructured phase containing a trapped protein
- Use of peptide fragment of cytochrome C containing covalently linked porphyrin
- Prussian/blue organoclay systems
- And others interesting projects…
The characterization of these materials involves analytical techniques like XRD, IR etc. and examination of structure and morphology under electron microscopes (SEM, TEM).
