Copper Ion Properties

Copper Dimers and Trimers

A number of Cu(I) oxy-bridged dimers can react with dioxygen. This reaction is a model for hemocyanin, the blue copper oxygen carrier present in the blood of animals like lobsters and horseshoe crabs.

CuI dimer with dioxygen

Note that both the Cu(I) and the Cu(II) are diamagnetic, the latter due to strong antiferromagnetic coupling between the coppers.

pyridine substituted pyrazolylborate A model for a Cu(I) trimer and its oxidation product Cu(I)2Cu(II) has been discovered, this is based on a pyridine substituted pyrazolylborate ligand. It is interesting to compare the site geometry with that of the T32T2 center in caeruloplasmin.

Caeruloplasmin and Cu(I) pyrazolylborate trimers Picture from the crystal structure of the pyrazolylborate copper trimer. Cu(I) pyrazolylborate trimer