Electrostatic Interactions

·                 For simplicity, electrostatic interactions are usually treated in molecular mechanics by using a partial atomic charge model.


·                 A charge is associated with each atom, and will typically be a fraction of an electronic charge (positive or negative).


·                 It is important to remember that this simple model may not reproduce the electrostatic properties of a molecule correctly.


·                 A complete representation would require charges to be located at other positions in addition to those on the atoms.


·                 For example, to reproduce the quadrupole moment of N2 (which is important in determining its interactions), at least 3 charges are required (a charge of –q at each nucleus, and +2q at the centre of mass. Five charges give an even better description.


·                 However, for modelling large molecules, simple schemes involving charges on the nuclei alone are typically used.


Conformational dependence of atomic charges

·                 It is important to realise that the charges giving the best description of a molecule are likely to be different for different conformations of a molecule.


·                 However, the atomic partial charges in a typical molecular mechanics potential function are fixed and do not change. They also do not change in response to changes in the environment, which is another weakness of the partial atomic charge model.


Derivation of partial atomic charges

Partial atomic charges can be calculated in a number of ways.


·     A simple, rapid method for small molecules is Mulliken population analysis – this is a simple method for partitioning electron density between atoms, based on calculated molecular orbitals. Mulliken charges are produced straightforwardly from an ab initio calculation. However, they give a poor description of a molecule’s electrostatic potential, and are highly dependent on the basis set used in the calculation. In some instances, they can give a highly unrealistic picture of the electronic distribution in molecules (e.g. Leach pgs. 79-80 & 189; Grant & Richards pgs. 27-28, 41-43).


·     Better atomic charges can be obtained for small molecules by fitting them to the electrostatic potential (calculated by ab initio MO methods, for example – the Hartree-Fock method with the 6-31G(d) basis set (denoted HF/6-31G(d)) gives good results). The electrostatic potential is calculated at a series of points around the molecule (e.g. on the surface defined by the atomic van der Waals radii). Can also require the dipole moment to be reproduced correctly by the fitted charges. This method can work well, particularly for small polar molecules. For large molecules, the charges of atoms in the interior can be poorly determined, leading to artificially high charges for e.g. buried carbon atoms. Restraints can be applied to keep charges on some atoms within a reasonable range (e.g. the RESP procedure used in parameterization of the AMBER force field).


·     Alternatively, charges can be found by fitting to interaction energies calculated at ab initio levels, e.g. the energy of interaction of a water molecule and another molecule (e.g. formamide) would be calculated at the HF/6-31G(d) level, and MM charges for the atoms fitted to reproduce the interaction energy. This is the approach used in the CHARMM force field). Typically, the charges would be scaled (increased) somewhat to reflect the fact that molecules in solution will be more polarized than in the gas phase.


·     Non-bonded parameters for small molecules can be derived by fitted to them to experimental results (e.g. for the properties of liquids), calculating liquid properties by e.g. Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics simulations.


·     In all the above cases, the charges found for a functional group in a small molecule will usually be treated as being transferable to larger molecules bearing the same group.


·     It is often desirable to calculate atomic charges very quickly, e.g. to estimate the properties or interactions of very large numbers of novel small molecules, e.g. in docking them to a protein target. In this situation, it is not possible to carry out demanding ab initio calculations. Instead, quick approximate methods are used, e.g. based only on the electronegativity of atoms in the molecule, and their connectivity.


Next: polarization and many-body effects