The Hückel Molecular Orbital Method


All the matrix elements – i.e. all the energies (integrals) Hrs and the overlap integrals Srs for all the atomic orbitals r, s…etc. – would need to be calculated

i.e. a lot of very difficult calculations!


In modern molecular orbital calculations, these would be calculated with a computer.


Before computers, approximate methods had to be used, in which values of these integrals were guessed.


Hückel MO Theory is an important and useful approximate method of this type.


The Hückel method makes some sweeping and surprising approximations for the values of the Hamiltonian and the overlap matrix elements:


Hückel approximations:

(i) Hrr = a for all conjugated carbon atoms r

(ii)   Hrs = b for any conjugated carbon link r-s,  i.e if atoms r and s are adjacent

Hrs = 0 otherwise

(iii)  Srs = 0 for r ¹ s, i.e. zero overlap for r ¹ s.


·    a is often referred to as a 'Coulomb integral'. 

·    a is the atomic 2p energy (show this by looking at the equation for the expectation value, i.e. the energy Hrr)

·    b is often referred to as the 'resonance integral' or 'bond integral' since the value of   b determines the strength of the bonding interactions. 

·    Both a and b are NEGATIVE energies. 


The Hückel approximations applied to ethene