Molecular Structure and Bonding


p Electrons in Conjugated Organic Molecules



Lecture 2     Synopsis:


Hückel Theory:     p molecular orbitals for Butadiene and cyclic conjugated hydrocarbons; Aromaticity



Summary of topics


·   Review of the Hückel approximations


·   To learn by example how to apply Hückel theory to the calculation of p molecular orbitals for any conjugated system. Example: Butadiene.

     see: P.W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry, 7th edn., pages 435-436.


·   To appreciate the relationship between the nodal structure of the molecular orbitals and the energy.


·   The concept of delocalization energy.


·   To learn by example how to apply Hückel theory to cyclic conjugated polyenes and how this can rationalize the concept of aromaticity.  Atkins, 7th edn, Page 437; Carroll ‘Perspectives on Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry’pp.205-208-- The (4n+2) rule.


·   The Geometric (or ‘Circle’) Method for finding the MOs of cyclic conjugated polyenes (Carroll, pg. 205)


The Hückel approximations (again!)