Other examples of aromatic molecules


Cyclopentadienyl anion (C5H5)


·    6 electrons in p system, aromatic with 4n+2 (n=1) p electrons. 

·    Delocalization energy =2.47b. 

·    So predict cyclopentadiene to lose a proton relatively easily.



pKa of cyclopentadiene =16 (not very different from water!)


In contrast, cyclobutadiene (C4H4) is extremely difficult to make in the laboratory. 


p-electron energy

=   2´(a+2b) +2a

=   4a +4b

Delocalization energy

=   4a +4b – (2´(2a+2b))

=   0


Cyclobutadiene is described as ‘anti-aromatic’


Lecture 3