Other cyclic and polycyclic hydrocarbon molecules are also found experimentally to be similarly stable (i.e. to have large resonance energies).


We can plot of the experimental resonance energy against the predictions of Hückel Theory (you’ll calculate resonance energies for some of these molecules, e.g. naphthalene, in the Theoretical Chemistry Class).



This plot gives b = 66.7 kJ/mol, slightly different from the value we find for benzene itself.


·       The fact that we get a good correlation with experimental values shows that Hückel Theory can give good predictions about molecular properties (in this case stability).


Actually, we should probably allow for the fact that the hypothetical, non-delocalized cyclohexatriene would not have the same geometry as benzene (in which all the C-C bonds have the same length), because it would consist of alternating double and single bonds


To estimate the delocalization energy, we should include the energy penalty for distorting cyclohexatriene to a form in which all the bonds have the same length:



RE: ‘resonance energy’ found from experimental thermodynamic measurements. The distortion energy has been estimated from calculations.


From the cycle above, the corrected value of the delocalization energy of benzene is –263.7 kJ/mol. This gives b as –131.85 kJ/mol.


It is important to remember that the delocalization energy is one reason why benzene is stable, but the fact that its hexagonal shape allows s-bonds to be formed with no strain also contributes to its stability.


Next: predictions from Hückel Theory