Adrian Mulholland


Molecular Structure and Bonding


p Electrons in Conjugated Organic Molecules



Lectures 4-5


The Woodward-Hoffmann Rules and Cycloaddition


·     Pericyclic reactions


·     Cycloaddition reactions


·     The principles of orbital symmetry conservation in chemical reactions.


·     The cycloaddition of 2 ethenes to form cyclobutane.


·     Symmetries to the MOs of reactants and products


·     Introduction to correlation diagrams and how they explain reactivity


·     Symmetry ‘allowed’ and ‘forbidden’ reactions


·     The Diels-Alder Reaction


F.A. Carroll ‘Structure and Mechanism in Organic Chemistry’, pg. 746-755

Ian Fleming, ‘Pericyclic reactions’, Oxford Chemistry Primer, pg. 34-39


Next: pericyclic reactions