Chapter 8 - CHEMKIN Simulations

8.1  Introduction


            In-situ molecular beam mass spectrometry (MBMS) of diamond CVD environments has proved both useful and versatile in its application.  However, detailed numerical modelling of the CVD gaseous environment can serve not only as a useful complement to experimental studies but also as an important instrument to test the validity of the MBMS results.  To develop such a modelling system is not trivial by any means since chemical reaction mechanisms containing hundreds of reactions and involving 50 or more chemical species are common in the diamond CVD process.  Thus there is a need for accurate, detailed descriptions of the chemical kinetics occurring in the gas-phase and/or on reactive surfaces, in order to perform a complete simulation of the diamond growth process.


            In the present study, a highly structured computer package called CHEMKIN8.1 has been employed to aid in the incorporation of a complex gas-phase chemical reaction mechanism into numerical simulations.  Such a package has already been utilised by several groups8.2-8.7 as a means of characterising the diamond growth environment using different source gas mixtures.  Particularly beneficial to the present work is the capacity to calculate concentrations of free radicals as well as stable species, provided the necessary input data relevant to the species is given to complement the measured concentrations of the stable species.

8.2  Structure of CHEMKIN


            CHEMKIN is a highly structured package that requires the manipulation of a number of programs, subroutines, and data files.  Figure 8.1 shows a schematic diagram of the general structure of the CHEMKIN package.  It is composed of four important pieces: the Interpreter, the Thermodynamic Database, the Linking File and the Gas-Phase Subroutine Library.



Figure 8.1.  Structure of the CHEMKIN package and its link to an application code (adapted from Reference 8.1).

The Interpreter is a program that first reads the user’s symbolic description of the reaction mechanism, where the pre-exponential factor Ai (units - cm-mol-s-K) , the temperature exponent bi, and the activation energy Ei (units - cal/mol) are specified (See Figure 8.2).


            Consider the rate law for the consumption of reactant A as:



where k is the rate constant, and the reaction is second order overall, but first order in each of two reactants A and B.  The rate constant, k, is related to the pre-exponential factor A, the temperature exponent b, and the activation energy E via



In the above rate law k will have units:


k = cm3mol-1s-1


and so the units of the pre-exponential factor, A, will be written as cm3mol-1s-1.  However, we parametise the traditional A factor to include a temperature-dependent term, i.e. AiTb.  This term will therefore have units cm3 mol-1s-1.  So if b = 1, for example, then Ai will have units mol-1cm3s-1K-1.  Clearly if b is non-integer then the units of Ai will be mol-1cm3s-1K-b.


Having read the symbolic description of the reaction mechanism the CHEMKIN package then extracts thermodynamic information for the relevant species from the Thermodynamic Data Base.8.8  The information in the database can be added or modified by input to the Interpreter (See Figure 8.3).   The thermodynamic data are stored as polynomial fits to specific heat cp/R, enthalpy H0/RT, and entropy S0/R.  There are seven coefficients for each of two temperature ranges.





Thus for each species there are 14 coefficients in all.  In addition to the polynomial coefficients for each species, the Thermodynamic Data Base provides the species name, its elemental make-up, and the temperature ranges over which the fits are valid.

            Essentially the thermodynamic database is a table of specific heat, enthalpy, and entropy as a function of temperature.  In addition, since the fits span two temperature ranges, the temperature ranges have to be specified.  A common temperature is used which connects the two ranges, typically 1000K, but it may be different in some cases.  An illustration of the thermodynamic data format is shown below.

!       CHEM.INP                                                                                    Figure 8.2.  The input file used by the


!       Input file for CHEMKIN interpreter.                                            Interpreter in this present study. The


ELEMENTS                                                                                           gas phase reactions was obtained


   C H                                                                                                      from Refs. 8.9, 8.10 and 8.11






   CH4     CH3        CH2        CH          C

   C2H6   C2H5      C2H4      C2H3      C2H2      C2H

   H          H2






!  ---------------------------------HYDROGEN REACTIONS------------------------------


   H+H+M=H2+M                                 9.7E+16                  -0.6                                  0


!  --------------------------------------C-1 REACTIONS--------------------------------------


   CH3+H+M=CH4+M                         8.0E+26                -3.0                                    0

   CH4+H=CH3+H2                               2.2E+04                  3.0                             8800

   CH4+CH2=CH3+CH3                       1.0E+13                  0.0                                   0

   CH3+CH3=C2H5+H                          2.8E+13                  0.0                           13600

   CH3+CH3+M=C2H6+M                   3.2E+41                -7.0                              2766

   CH3+H=CH2+H2                               7.2E+14                  0.0                           15100

   CH3+CH2=C2H4+H                          2.0E+13                  0.0                                   0

   CH3+M=CH2+H+M                         1.0E+16                  0.0                           90600

   CH2+H=CH+H2                                 4.0E+13                  0.0                                   0

   CH+CH4=C2H4+H                            6.0E+13                  0.0                                   0

   CH+CH3=C2H3+H                            3.0E+13                  0.0                                   0

   CH+H=C+H2                                      1.5E+14                  0.0                                   0      !C+F 92:145-160

   CH+CH2=C2H2+H                            4.0E+13                  0.0                                   0      !C+F 92:145-160

   C+CH3=C2H2+H                               5.0E+13                  0.0                                   0      !C+F 92:145-160

   C+CH2=C2H+H                                 5.0E+13                  0.0                                   0      !C+F 92:145-160


!  -------------------------------------C-2 REACTIONS--------------------------------------


   C2H6=CH3+CH3                               9.4E+45                -9.0                         100700

   C2H6+H=C2H5+H2                           5.4E+02                  3.5                             5210      !C+F 92:419-439

   C2H6+CH3=C2H5+CH4                   5.5E-01                   4.0                             8300

   C2H5+M=C2H4+H+M                     1.0E+17                  0.0                           31000

   C2H5+CH3=C2H4+CH4                   7.9E+11                  0.0                                   0

   C2H4+M=C2H2+H2+M                   2.6E+17                  0.0                           79400

   C2H4+M=C2H3+H+M                     2.6E+17                  0.0                           96600

   C2H4+H=C2H3+H2                           1.1E+14                  0.0                             8500      !C+F 92:419-439

   C2H4+CH3=CH4+C2H3                   4.2E+11                  0.0                           11200

   C2H3+H=C2H2+H2                           2.0E+13                  0.0                                   0

   C2H3+M=C2H2+H+M                     3.0E+15                  0.0                           32000

   C2H3+CH3=C2H2+CH4                   7.9E+11                  0.0                                   0

   C2H2+M=C2H+H+M                       4.0E+16                  0.0                        107000

   C2H2+H=C2H+H2                             6.0E+13                  0.0                           23700

   C2H2+CH3=C2H3+CH2                   3.1E+14                  0.0                           69888      !C+F 92:419-439

   C2H2+C2H2=C2H3+C2H                 3.1E+14                  0.0                           91208      !C+F 92:419-439

   C2H2+CH2=C2H3+CH                     1.5E+14                  0.0                           62636      !C+F 92:419-439

   C2H2+H2=CH2+CH2                        7.1E+15                  0.0                        127788       !C+F 92:419-439











   Date           ¬ atomic               phase

                         symbols             of

                             &                  species

                         formula ®


   121286C     1H            4              G

low                  high              common

temp.               temp.            temp.

(K)                   (K)               (K)



0300.00          5000.00         1000.00




























































Figure 8.3.  Format for thermodynamic data. The first seven coefficients in the polynomial expansion are for the upper temperature interval.  The final seven coefficients in the polynomial expansion are for the lower temperature interval.


            In addition to printed output, the Interpreter writes a Linking File, which contains all the pertinent information on the elements, species, and reactions in the mechanism.  Once the Interpreter has been executed and the Linking File created, the Gas-Phase Subroutine Library can be used.  These subroutines are called from the Fortran code.  The CHEMKIN gas-phase subroutines, of which there are over 100, are called as required to return information on the elements, species, reactions, equations of state, thermodynamic properties and chemical production rates.  In general the input to these routines is the state of the gas-pressure or density, temperature, and the species composition. The code is designed to facilitate selection of the particular CHEMKIN subroutines that are needed for a given problem.

8.3  Structure of the Transport Property Fitting Code and SURFACE CHEMKIN


            Since the diamond CVD process not only involves gas-phase reactions mechanism but also heterogeneous gas-solid reactions occurring on the substrate and the various transport processes, the CHEMKIN package alone cannot fully simulate the growth process.  The Transport package and SURFACE CHEMKIN8.12 are therefore introduced as another component of a large body of software designed to facilitate the computational modelling of chemical kinetics in flowing systems such as diamond CVD.  Figure 8.4 shows how these packages are linked and used in the present study to simulate the diamond CVD process.


Figure 8.4.  Relationships and flow of information between the CHEMKIN, Transport, and SURFACE CHEMKIN packages, and a user’s application code (adapted from Reference 8.12).

            The Transport package handles the gas-phase molecular transport properties and SURFACE CHEMKIN handles the surface thermodynamics and chemical kinetics.  Each package consists of an Interpreter, a database of either thermodynamic or transport properties, and a library of subroutines that can be called from the application code.


            In the case of diamond CVD, since the surface chemistry involves gas-solid heterogeneous reactions, the first step is to run the CHEMKIN Interpreter, which reads the user’s description of the gas-phase reaction mechanism (Figure 8.2).  The Linking file is read by the Gas-Phase Subroutine Library that makes the information available to all the other subroutines in the library.


            The next step is to execute the SURFACE CHEMKIN Interpreter, which reads the user’s symbolic description of the surface reaction mechanism.  Required thermodynamic data can come from the same Thermodynamic Database used by CHEMKIN or from a separate Thermodynamic Database compiled for surface reactions.  As Figure 8.5 shows, the thermodynamic data have been added by input into the Interpreter.  The SURFACE CHEMKIN Interpreter extracts all needed information about gas-phase species from the CHEMKIN Linking File.  Like the CHEMKIN Interpreter, the SURFACE CHEMKIN Interpreter also provides a printed output and a Linking File.  Again the Surface Linking File is read by a subroutine in the Surface Subroutine Library that makes the surface reaction mechanism information available to all other subroutines in the library.


            Finally, the Transport Property Fitting Code reads the CHEMKIN Linking File and identifies all the gas-phase species that are present in the gas-phase reaction mechanism.  Then, drawing on a database of molecular parameters, it computes the species’ viscosities, thermal conductivities, and diffusion coefficients.  As with the other packages it provides a Linking File that is read by a subroutine in the Transport Property Subroutine Library. Subroutines from this library may be called by the application code to return transport properties for individual species or for a multicomponent gas mixture.


!       SURF.INP

!       Input file for SURFACE interpreter.


!                    SURFACE SITES & SPECIES.

!                    Density of 5.22E-09 mol/cm2 corresponding to sites on the (111) surface of diamond.



CH(S)  C(S,R)   C(R,G)   C(S,R3)   HCCH(S,R)

CH2(S) CH(S,R)  CH(S,G)  CH(S,R2)  H2CCH(S)

CH3(S) CH2(S,R) CH2*(S)




D  /3.515/

G  /3.515/



!                    THERMODYNAMIC DATA.

!                    Taken from Tables III and IV of Reference 8.13



   300.     1000.     3000.

CH(S)                        050595C              1H   1    0    0G       300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.14872259E+01   0.33000924E-02   -0.28411702E-06   -0.34383971E-09   0.76660243E-13          2

-0.05865759E+04  -0.09239365E+02   0.14872259E+01   0.33000924E-02  -0.28411702E-06          3

-0.34383971E-09       0.76660243E-13   -0.05865759E+04  -0.09239365E+02                                   4

C(S,R)                        050595C              1     0    0    0G        300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.16900997E+01   0.11069085E-02   -0.12616481E-06    0.11996654E-09   0.28811839E-13          2

 0.02130371E+06  -0.09750481E+02   0.16900997E+01   0.11069085E-02  -0.12616481E-06          3

-0.11996654E-09       0.28811839E-13    0.02130371E+06  -0.09750481E+02                                    4

C(S,R3)                      100191C              1     0   0    0G         300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.16900997E+01   0.11069085E-02   -0.12616481E-06   -0.11996654E-09   0.28811839E-13          2

 0.64193504E+05  -0.10340458E+02  -0.12628431E+01   0.73135700E-02  -0.72650602E-06          3

-0.57274971E-08       0.29829661E-11    0.65054285E+05    0.52818985E+01                                   4

CH(S,R2)                   062992C              1H   1          I           300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.14872311E+01   0.33000871E-02   -0.28411483E-06   -0.34383973E-09   0.76660114E-13          2

 0.43930898E+05  -0.10147053E+02  -0.18659885E+01   0.90232668E-02   0.29341194E-06          3

-0.52555555E-08       0.20408896E-11    0.45065105E+05   0.81504097E+01                                    4

CH(S,G)     050792C              1H   1          I           300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.14817694E+01   0.32751665E-02   -0.27781763E-06   -0.34004749E-09   0.75557168E-13          2

 0.10660619E+05  -0.10097240E+02  -0.18745055E+01   0.90725571E-02   0.24365704E-06          3

-0.53500671E-08       0.21229865E-11    0.11787394E+05   0.81871119E+01                                    4

HCCH(S,R)               071291C              2H   2    0    0G       300.000        3000.000            1000.00                   1

 0.17394471E+01   0.51764320E-02   -0.42153641E-06   -0.53463645E-09   0.11763388E-12          2

-0.59624932E+04  -0.12329198E+02  -0.25071146E+01   0.12199585E-01   0.59056043E-06          3

-0.66420434E-08       0.24363521E-11   -0.45017656E+04   0.10931940E+02                                    4

CH2(S)                      050595C              1H   2    0    0G       300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.17394471E+01    0.51764320E-02   -0.42153641E-06  -0.53463645E-09   0.11763388E-12          2

-0.06534599E+05  -0.11177380E+02    0.17394471E+01  0.51764320E-02  -0.42153641E-06          3

-0.53463645E-09       0.11763388E-12    -0.06534599E+05 -0.11177380E+02                                   4

CH(S,R)                     050595C              1H   1    0    0G       300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.14872259E+01   0.33000924E-02   -0.28411702E-06   -0.34383971E-09   0.76660243E-13          2

 0.01547748E+06  -0.09239365E+02   0.14872259E+01   0.33000924E-02  -0.28411702E-06          3

-0.34383971E-09       0.76660243E-13    0.01547748E+06  -0.09239365E+02                                    4

C(R,G)                       050792C              1                  I           300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.16900998E+01   0.11069081E-02   -0.12616400E-06   -0.11996697E-09   0.28811900E-13          2

 0.35690953E+05  -0.10340459E+02  -0.12628419E+01   0.73135681E-02  -0.72650272E-06          3

-0.57275016E-08       0.29829680E-11    0.36551734E+05   0.52818918E+01                                    4

H2CCH(S)                 071291C              2H   3    0    0G       300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.36940942E+01   0.79702111E-02   -0.64374024E-06   -0.81818519E-09   0.17982379E-12          2

 0.14525338E+05  -0.24731092E+02  -0.43835902E+01   0.23068689E-01  -0.28454056E-0            3

-0.14521289E-07       0.65029358E-11    0.17095203E+05   0.18776432E+02                                    4

CH3(S)                      050595C              1H   3    0    0G       300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.22271934E+01   0.64840489E-02   -0.50900690E-06   -0.66263206E-09   0.14445464E-12          2

 0.07774954E+05  -0.14189754E+02   0.22271934E+01   0.64840489E-02  -0.50900690E-06          3

-0.66263206E-09       0.14445464E-12    0.07774954E+05  -0.14189754E+02                                    4

CH2(S,R)                   050595C              1H   2    0    0G       300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.17394471E+01   0.51764320E-02   -0.42153641E-06   -0.53463645E-09   0.11763388E-12          2

 0.02478779E+06  -0.11177380E+02   0.17394471E+01   0.51764320E-02  -0.42153641E-06          3

-0.53463645E-09       0.11763388E-12    0.02478779E+06  -0.11177380E+02                                    4

CH2*(S)    071291C              1H   2    0    0G       300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.17394471E+01   0.51764320E-02   -0.42153641E-06   -0.53463645E-09   0.11763388E-12          2

-0.59624932E+04  -0.12329198E+02  -0.25071146E+01   0.12199585E-01   0.59056043E-06          3

-0.66420434E-08       0.24363521E-11   -0.45017656E+04   0.10931940E+02                                    4

D                                051795C              1                  S          300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.16900997E+01   0.11069085E-02   -0.12616481E-06   -0.11996654E-09    0.28811839E-13         2

-0.02996751E+04  -0.09755593E+02   0.16900997E+01   0.11069185E-02   -0.12616481E-06         3

-0.11996654E-09       0.28811839E-13   -0.02996751E+04  -0.09755593E+02                                   4

G                                071291C              1      0    0    0G       300.00          3000.00              1000.00                   1

 0.16900997E+01   0.11069085E-02   -0.12616481E-06   -0.11996654E-09   0.28811839E-13          2

-0.79270331E+03  -0.10340458E+02  -0.12628431E+01   0.73135700E-02  -0.72650602E-06         3

-0.57274971E-08       0.29829661E-11    0.68074341E+02   0.52818985E+01                                    4





!                    Incorporating: activation of surface by H atoms; recombination of H on the surface;

!                    chemisorption of CH3 radicals onto activated sites; incorporation of these molecules into

!                    the diamond structure (See Reference 8.13).




! New Chlorine Chemistry


CH(S)  +CL        <=> C(S,R)   + HCL                     0.5032  0.0                           1000.0



CH2(S) +CL        <=> CH(S,R)  + HCL                                  0.5032  0.0                           1000.0


CH3(S) +CL        <=> CH2(S,R) + HCL                                 1.00                      0.0                           1000.0



! Initiation Reaction


CH(S) +H          <=> C(S,R) + H2                                           2.14                      0.0                           7300.0



! Surface H Replenishing


C(S,R) + H        <=> CH(S)                                      0.3                        0.0                                 0.0



! Methyl Addition Reactions


C(S,R)  + CH3     <=> D    + CH3(S)                       0.33                      0.0                                 0.0


CH2(S) + H        <=> CH(S,R) + H2                       2.14                      0.0                           7300.0


CH3(S) + H        <=> CH2(S,R) + H2                     4.28                      0.0                           7300.0


CH2(S,R) + CH(S,R) <=> CH2(S) + CH(S)                           6.0E+19               0.0                                 0.0


! Acetylene Addition Reactions


C(S,R)      + C2H2      <=> D   + HCCH(S,R)         8.0E10  0.0                           7700.0

CH(S)       + HCCH(S,R) <=> C(S,R) + H2CCH(S)               6.0E19  0.0                                 0.0

H2CCH(S)    + C(S,R)    <=> D   + CH2(S)+CH(S,R)   6.0E19          0.0                                 0.0

CH2(S)      + CH(S,R)   <=> CH2*(S)+ CH(S,R)                   6.0E19  0.0                           2122.0

CH(S,R) + H + CH2*(S)   <=> CH(S)  + CH(S) + H2   2.14                              0.0                           7300.0


! Carbon-Atom Addition Reactions


C(S,R)  + C      <=> D       + C(S,R3)                       0.33                      0.0                                 0.0

C(S,R3) + CH2(S) <=> CH(S,R) + CH(S)                              6.0E19  0.0                                 0.0

CH(S,R) + H      <=> CH2(S)                                                   0.3                        0.0                                 0.0



! Other Radical-Termination Reactions


C(S,R3)  + H2 <=> CH2(S,R)                                                  0.3                        0.0                                 0.0


C(S,R3)  + H  <=> CH(S,R2)                                                   0.3                        0.0                                 0.0


CH(S,R2) + H  <=> CH2(S,R)                                                 0.3                        0.0                                 0.0


CH2(S,R) + H  <=> CH3(S)                                     0.3                        0.0                                 0.0


CH(S,R2) + H2 <=> CH3(S)                                    0.3                        0.0                                 0.0



! Graphite Reactions


CH3     + C(R,G)   <=>  G   +   CH3(S)                    3.0E-2                  0.0                                 0.0


C       + C(R,G)   <=>  G   +   C(S,R3)                      3.0E-2                  0.0                                 0.0


C2H2    + C(R,G)   <=>  G   +   HCCH(S,R)                           3.0E-2                  0.0                                 0.0


C(R,G)  + H        <=>  CH(S,G)                                                3.0E-2                  0.0                                 0.0


CH(S,G) + H        <=>  C(R,G)  + H2                      2.14E-2                0.0                           7300.0


CH(S,G) + G + H    <=>  CH(S,R) + CH(S)                            2.14E-1                0.0                           7300.0





Figure 8.5.  An example of the SURFACE CHEMKIN input file to the Surface Linking File (the surface reactions are taken from Reference 8.13).  The symbols R, S, D and G means radical, surface species, diamond and graphite respectively.  The numbers which follow the symbol R are the number of unpaired electrons on the surface radical species.


8.4  Application codes


Having executed all the various computer packages and created the relevant linking files, the subroutines are now ready to be called upon by the application codes to simulate the CVD growth process.  In the present study two such application codes were used namely the SENKIN and the SPIN application codes.





            SENKIN8.14 is a Fortran computer program that computes the time evolution of a homogeneous reacting gas mixture in a closed system.  The program considers five different problem types:


(a)   an adiabatic system with constant pressure,

(b)  an adiabatic system with constant volume,

(c)   an adiabatic system with the volume is a specified function of time,

(d)  a system where the pressure and temperature are constant, and

(e)   a system where the pressure is constant and the temperature is a specified function of



            In the case of diamond CVD process, the system employed is that where the pressure and temperature are held constant, i.e. case (d).  The role of SENKIN in the modelling of experimental results obtained by MBMS will be discussed in detail in Section 8.6.


To solve a problem using SENKIN the user must access the CHEMKIN thermodynamic data base, execute the CHEMKIN Interpreter, and link the SENKIN with the CHEMKIN subroutine libraries, pass input data to SENKIN, and store the output data that is produced.  Figure 8.6 shows the relationship between these various components.



Figure 8.6.  Relationship of the SENKIN program to the CHEMKIN pre-processor and the associated input and output files (Adapted from Reference 8.13)


The first step is to execute the CHEMKIN interpreter, which reads the user supplied information about the species and chemical reactions for a particular reaction mechanism.  It then extracts information from the Thermodynamic Data Base about the species thermodynamic properties.  A CHEMKIN link file is then written upon execution of the interpreter which in turn is accessed by the SENKIN program.


            The input that defines a particular problem and the parameters required to solve it are read by the program SENKIN.  The input data is read using a Keyword format that is entered in the senk.inp file (See Figure 8.7 below).



                ! SENK.INP


                ! ----------------------------------------Problem Selection




                ! ----------------------------------------Initial Conditions


                PRES      0.026

                TEMP     2000

                REAC     H2           0.99

                REAC     CH4        0.01


                ! ----------------------------------------Integration Control


                TIME      5.0

                DELT      2.0E-02

                ATOL     1.0E-09

                RTOL     1E-05





Figure 8.7.  An example of the input data that is read using a Keyword format by SENKIN.


The keyword CONT will produce a solution with the temperature and pressure held constant at the initial values, and the equations solved will be those of case (d).  In the above example (Figure 8.7), the initial conditions are those of an isothermal gas mixture of 1% methane (REAC CH4) in hydrogen (REAC H2) at 20 Torr - the units used in the input file is in atmospheres (PRES 0.026) and Kelvin (TEMP 2000).  This gas mixture is allowed to react for 5 seconds (TIME 5.0), meaning that the time integration will proceed from time zero until this final time.  A more detailed description of the keywords used in SENKIN can be found in Reference 8.14.


The output from program SENKIN is written in two forms: text and binary.  Text output is written to display the outcome of the execution on a terminal, while the binary file restores a copy of the run.  The information written to both text outputs include a summary of the initial conditions and printouts of the partial solution at a selected time interval.  The full solution is written in the binary file which is useful in providing initial data for restart calculations.  From this output the species concentrations may be obtained, by executing a program called DATAC.EXE which converts mass fractions written in the SENKIN output file into species mole fractions.  The final result is therefore species mole fractions as a function of reaction time.  An example of this is shown in Section 8.5.


(b)  SPIN


            SPIN8.15 is one of the application codes supplied with the CHEMKIN software package which construct and solve a system of differential equations describing a physical problem (in the case of SPIN, a CVD reactor), using standard subroutines from various modules which together form the complete simulation package.  Thus SPIN simulates the flow of chemically reacting fluid towards a growth surface on which gas-phase species can react.  The gas-phase chemistry is modelled by a set of chemical reactions with rate constants provided by the gas-phase CHEMKIN module.  The transport properties of the gas-phase species are continually evaluated by the TRANSPORT fitting module.  Finally the production/consumption of gas-phase species on the growth surface is accounted for by a set of surface chemical reactions with rate constants calculated by the SURFACE CHEMKIN module (See Figure 8.4).  Figure 8.8 shows an example of a typical SPIN input file.

!       SPIN.INP                                                                       Figure 8.8.  Input file of the SPIN application code.

!       Input file for SPIN application code.                        Full details of the different keywords used is found

!                                                                                               in Reference 8.15.

!---------------Problem type









!---------------Solution Method Options




!---------------Newton iteration controls.


ATOL 1.E-8

RTOL 1.E-3



!---------------Time step controls.


ATIM 1.E-8

RTIM 1.E-3

TIME 100 1.E-6

TIM2 100 1.E-6

UFAC 2.0

DFAC 2.2

DTMN 1.E-10

DTMX 1.E-4


ISTP 100



!---------------Solution bound controls.


SFLR -1.0E-04

SPOS 1.E-13


!---------------Grid control parameters.




!JJRG 90

!PCAD 0.75

!RGTC 1.0

GRAD 0.9

CURV 0.9

GRID 0.00

GRID 0.02

GRID 0.04

GRID 0.06

GRID 0.08

GRID 0.10

GRID 0.12

GRID 0.14

GRID 0.16

GRID 0.18

GRID 0.20

GRID 0.22

GRID 0.24

GRID 0.26

GRID 0.28

GRID 0.30

GRID 0.32

GRID 0.34

GRID 0.36

GRID 0.38

GRID 0.40


!---------------Initial guess & reactor operating

!                   conditions.


PRES      0.026

TINF       2173

TDSK     1173


AINL      0.0

OINL      0.0

UINF      1.0

XSTR     0.0

XCEN     0.2

XEND     0.4

WMIX   0.2

TEMP     0.0   2173

TEMP     0.4   1173


!----------------Set gas concentration at in-let


REAC H2                0.9429

REAC H 0.0471

REAC CH4             0.01


!----------------Set initial guess of gas concentrations at disk


PROD H2                0.990041

PROD H 0.723930E-06

PROD CH4             0.991787E-02

PROD CH3             0.162266E-06

PROD CH2             0.902875E-13

PROD CH              0.317941E-18

PROD C 0.135916E-20

PROD C2H6            0.656252E-07

PROD C2H5            0.246341E-10

PROD C2H4            0.119802E-04

PROD C2H3            0.522252E-10

PROD C2H2            0.285896E-04

PROD C2H             0.109323E-14


!----------------Set initial guess of surface concentrations


!SURF CH(S)                         9.51E-01

!SURF C(S,R)                        4.87E-02

!SURF HCCH(S,R)               6.11E-15

!SURF CH2(S)                       3.98E-04

!SURF CH(S,R)                     2.23E-05

!SURF C(R,G)                        1.00E-04

!SURF CH(S,G)                     1.00E-04

!SURF H2CCH(S) 1.16E-14

!SURF CH3(S)                       1.63E-06

!SURF CH2(S,R)                   1.00E-07

!SURF CH2*(S)                    1.64E-04

!SURF C(S,R3)                      1.05E-08

!SURF CH(S,R2)                   1.00E-07


!----------------Set activity of bulk phases


!ACT D  0.9999

!ACT G  1.0E-04


!---------------Multicomponent transport options.






!GFAC 1E-04

!SFAC 1E-04


!---------------Chemistry control options.


!---------------Printing options.










            A full description of the keywords used in the SPIN input file is shown in Reference 8.15.  From the SPIN output the species concentrations may be obtained, by executing a program called SPDAT.EXE which converts mass fractions written in SPIN output file into species mole fractions.  The final result is species mole fractions as a function of distance from (in this case) the filament to the substrate surface.  An example of this is shown in Section 8.5.


8.5  Numerical simulation of the diamond CVD process


            The first time that we attempted to run the SPIN simulation code, it crashed reporting that the matrix, which is constructed to solve the differential equations governing the mathematical problem, was singular.  A considerable amount of time was spent breaking the problem into a number of simpler problems which could be analysed in greater detail in order to find the origin of the singularity.


            In order to test the formulation of the gas-phase part of the problem in isolation, a simpler problem was examined involving only the gas-phase reactions, using the SENKIN application code.  This code considers an isothermal gas mixture maintained at constant pressure and temperature (Section 8.4 (a) ) and calculates how the composition of the mixture changes as a function of time as a result of the chemical reactions.  The results that were obtained for a mixture of 0.3% CH4 in H2 held at 2000K (Figure 8.9) were very similar to results reported by Harris et al.8.2  This confirmed that the gas-phase CHEMKIN module was working correctly.



Figure 8.9.  Calculated time history of gas composition.  The calculation is carried out using the SENKIN code for isothermal conditions at 2000K for an initial source gas mixture of 0.3% CH4 in H2 (99.7%).


            It was later discovered that the SPIN application code could be run with empty surface reaction files (non existent surface reaction files cause it to crash), without it running into singularity problems.  In this way, the flow of a chemically reacting fluid towards a chemically inert surface could be simulated, making it possible to check that the fluid flow was being modelled correctly, using the transport properties provided by the TRANSPORT fitting module and based on the description of the gas-phase chemistry provided by the gas-phase CHEMKIN module, but ignoring the surface chemistry.  Such simulations may be compared to the results obtained by the MBMS system, in which there is currently no growth surface in the vicinity of the sampling cone.  The results obtained for this simulation (Figure 8.10) showed similar trends to those reported by Dandy et al.8.5



Figure 8.10.  Mole fraction profiles calculated for 1% CH4 in H2 at 20 Torr using the SPIN application code, in the absence of surface reactions.  Initial deposition conditions are: filament temperature 2000K, filament/substrate distance 4 mm (or 0.4 cm).  In the above illustration, the surface is at 0 cm, and the filament is at 0.4 cm.


            The next step was performed solely by Jonathan Cole8.16, who used the SURFTHERM programming module to examine in detail the thermodynamic and kinetic data which must be provided for all surface species and surface reactions.  Some of this data must be input in a special format and SURFTHERM can be used to produce tables of values over various temperature ranges: errors are revealed by the appearance of physically unreasonable values.  In order to confirm that the SURFACE CHEMKIN module was working correctly, Cole used another application code called SKSAMPLE.  SKSAMPLE models an idealised system consisting of a completely uniform and isothermal gas mixture lying above a chemically reactive surface.  As there are no temperature or concentration gradients in the system, there is no fluid flow and the transport properties may be ignored.  The net production and consumption rates of the various gas-phase and surface species are calculated from the kinetic data supplied by the gas-phase CHEMKIN and SURFACE CHEMKIN modules and SKSAMPLE predicts how the gas-phase composition and surface site fraction change with time, starting from a specified gas-phase condition.  Again, SKSAMPLE could be executed successfully and gave physically plausible results.


            Having ascertained that the various parts of the complete problem were correctly formulated, it appears that the mathematical singularities may have arisen because the initial guess was very far from the final solution, making the system ‘ill-conditioned’.  Eventually, a search strategy was identified for conditioning the initial guess in such a way as to bring it within the domain of convergence of the computation.  The initial guess may be conditioned by forcing the SPIN code to perform a ‘time evolution’, whereby the original system of equations is augmented by a time-dependent term to yield a time-dependent system, which mathematically is much less susceptible to divergence problems.  The time-dependent solution is then integrated to give a much better guess to the solution of the steady-state problem.  Computationally, this is more expensive and time-consuming than solving the steady-state problem from the start, but it is more reliable.  A similar strategy is followed automatically by SPIN when less severe divergence problems are encountered, but the singularities found in the present simulation prevented it from even ‘getting off the ground’.


            In this way the full problem, including surface reactions, was solved and the results of the simulation of a hot filament CVD reactor are shown in Figure 8.11.  These also show similar trends to those reported by Dandy et al.8.5



Figure 8.11.  A full simulation of the diamond CVD growth process using SPIN.  The species mole fractions are presented with surface reactions included in the calculations.



8.6  Numerical simulation of the gas-phase composition vs. filament temperature for 1% CH4 in H2 at 20 Torr


            As previously mentioned in Section 8.5, It is possible to run the SPIN application code with empty surface reaction files, because such simulations may be compared to the results obtained by the MBMS system.  This application code was therefore used in order to test the validity of the MBMS data.  Unlike the work performed by the various groups using the CHEMKIN package,8.2-8.7,8.9,8.13 for the first time a numerical simulation of the gas-phase composition using a 1% CH4 in H2 gas mixture as a function of filament temperature was performed, in precisely the same way in which the MBMS result are presented.  Figure 8.12 shows how the distribution of the major observable stable gas-phase species [CH4 (m/e = 16), C2H2 (m/e = 26)] and methyl radicals (m/e = 15), measured by MBMS, vary as a function of filament temperature for an initial feedstock of 1% CH4 in H2 measured 4 mm from the filament.  The data is presented in two forms: (a) with no thermal diffusion corrections being made, and (b) with thermal diffusion corrections being made in the calculations.  Note that the carbon balance, defined as (total C fraction measured)/(C fraction in the feed gas) and shown as a black filled square in Figure 8.12 (b), is constant (and equal to one) throughout.  In the present work, the SPIN application code was performed without including the thermal diffusion keyword in the input file, and so we are simulating the variation in the concentrations of the hydrocarbon species as a function of filament temperature shown Figure 8.12 (b).


Figure 8.12.  Product distribution of the major hydrocarbon species as a function of filament temperature measured 4 mm from the filament for an initial source gas mixture of 1% CH4 in H2 at 20 Torr: (a) presented with no corrections being made due to thermal diffusion, and (b) presented with thermal diffusion corrections.


In order to run the SPIN application code, the user must enter values for the reaction conditions (such as process pressure, filament temperature, substrate temperature, and filament/substrate distance), and initial gas concentrations at the inlet (the hot filament).  In addition, an initial guess is required for the gas concentrations at the substrate surface, (or the sampling cone when comparing MBMS results).  A reasonable guess can be obtained using the SENKIN application code which, given a long enough reaction time, can calculate equilibrium concentrations of the various species listed in the SPIN input file (preceded by the keyword PROD which denotes product species).  A list of the initial guesses for the mole fractions of the various product species used in the present work is shown in Figure 8.13.


Figure 8.13.  Equilibrium mole fractions of C-1 and C-2 species as a function of substrate temperature (Ts) for an isothermal gas mixture of 1% CH4 in H2 at 20 Torr.


Order in which the species appear in the input file:

CH4     CH3     CH2     CH       C

C2H6    C2H5    C2H4    C2H3    C2H2    C2H

H         H2


Ts = 296K

0.01                 0                      0                      0                      0

0                      0                      0                      0                      0                      0

0                      0.99

Ts = 664K

0.01                 0                      0                      0                      0

0                      0                      0                      0                      0                      0

0                      0.99

Ts = 796K

0.01                 0                      0                      0                      0

0                      0                      0                      0                      0                      0

0                      0.99

Ts = 888K

0.999997E-02 0.920456E-10 0.163989E-19 0.553168E-28 0.370682E-32

0.570439E-08 0.269451E-14 0.934765E-08 0.169285E-16 0.498403E-10 0.272955E-25

0.481130E-09 0.99

Ts = 993K

0.999951E-02 0.238444E-08 0.140929E-16 0.975197E-24 0.397295E-27

0.164798E-07 0.142510E-12 0.209617E-06 0.112562E-13 0.158478E-07 0.111619E-20

0.115429E-07 0.99

Ts = 1065K

0.999654E-02 0.153495E-07 0.671996E-15 0.262253E-21 0.300626E-24

0.304005E-07 0.138530E-11 0.124994E-05 0.465984E-12 0.431888E-06 0.488022E-18

0.713168E-07 0.990002

Ts = 1116K

0.998509E-02 0.496106E-07 0.767218E-14 0.891761E-20 0.196392E-22

0.447442E-07 0.580885E-11 0.385514E-05 0.487204E-11 0.347480E-05 0.225580E-16

0.225127E-07 0.990007

Ts = 1173K

0.991787E-02 0.162266E-06 0.902875E-13 0.317941E-18 0.135916E-20

0.656252E-07 0.246341E-10 0.119802E-04 0.522252E-10 0.285896E-04 0.109323E-14

0.723930E-06 0.990041

Ts = 1223K

0.964360E-02 0.409592E-06 0.634914E-12 0.543355E-17 0.395145E-19

0.853387E-07 0.748881E-10 0.284128E-04 0.333498E-09 0.147870E-03 0.233612E-13

0.184621E-05 0.990178

Ts = 1267K

0.888391E-02 0.820701E-06 0.293026E-11 0.517201E-16 0.579954E-18

0.939665E-07 0.164596E-09 0.510285E-04 0.134147E-08 0.501231E-03 0.251366E-12

0.396236E-05 0.990559

Ts = 1305K

0.759304E-02 0.131533E-05 0.922316E-11 0.292541E-15 0.465730E-17

0.847759E-07 0.259670E-09 0.683741E-04 0.345026E-08 0.112277E-02 0.143326E-11

0.735742E-05 0.991207

Ts = 1335K

0.627020E-02 0.173945E-05 0.202203E-10 0.995166E-15 0.206012E-16

0.677309E-07 0.315228E-09 0.734515E-04 0.603944E-08 0.177238E-02 0.455468E-11

0.117030E-04 0.991870



We find that the mole fractions predicted by SPIN for the various hydrocarbon species (CH4, C2H2, CH3, etc..) depend critically on the amount of [H] introduced in the initial SPIN input file, and are rather insensitive to the initial input of the filament/substrate temperatures.  For illustration purposes, Figure 8.14 shows the input [H] atom concentration required to simulate the CH4 mole fraction as a function of filament temperature, for an initial source gas mixture of 1% CH4 in H2.  Two separate temperature calculations (namely (Tf-500K) and (Tf-900 K), where Tf is the experimentally measured filament temperature) were performed for each of the MBMS data points and used as initial values in the SPIN input file (denoted by Tg or gas temperature).  Inspection of Figure 8.14 shows that the experimental data fits well with calculated values despite the large difference in temperature used as input values (See Tables 8.1 and 8.2 for a list of the temperature readings used for the SPIN simulation).


Figure 8.14.  Initial H atom input concentration required by SPIN to simulate the CH4 mole fraction.  Two sets of input temperatures were used: Tg = Tf-500K and Tg = Tf-900K where Tg and Tf are gas temperature and experimentally measured filament temperature respectively.





Filament Temperature (Tf)

measured during MBMS measurements (°C)

Filament Temperature (Tf)


Gas Temperature (Tg)

used in SPIN input file (K)

Substrate Temperature (Ts)

used in the SPIN input file (K)






























































Table 8.1.  Gas temperatures (Tg) and substrate temperatures (Ts) used for the SPIN input file to simulate gas-phase composition vs. filament temperature for 1% CH4 in H2 at 20 Torr.  The gas temperature is taken to be 500K less than the measured filament temperature.  The values for the substrate temperatures were obtained assuming that the ratio between the filament : substrate temperature observed at growth conditions (2400°C : 900°C) is true for all the filament temperatures measured.


Filament Temperature (Tf)

measured during MBMS measurements (°C)

Filament Temperature (Tf)


Gas Temperature (Tg)

used in the SPIN input file (K)

Substrate Temperature (Ts)

used in the SPIN input file (K)






























































Table 8.2.  Gas temperatures (Tg) and substrate temperatures (Ts) entered in the SPIN input file to simulate gas-phase composition vs. filament temperature for 1% CH4 in H2 at 20 Torr. The gas temperature is taken as 900K less than the measured filament temperature.


            The values for Tg = Tf-500K were chosen as input for all subsequent SPIN simulations because a decrease in temperature of similar magnitude was observed with distance from the filament (between 0 and 1 mm away from the filament).8.2,8.17

            Table 8.3 below shows the H atom concentration require to simulate the CH4 mole fraction.  Inspection of this table reveals that the values for [H] calculated by SPIN (output file) are very close to those of the values used in the input file.  This means that the initial guesses for the [H] are reasonable estimates for the actual amount present in the CVD reactor at any given temperature.  This is illustrated graphically in Figure 8.15.


Gas Temperature (Tg)


[H] input

(CH4 fit)

[H] output

(CH4 fit)

[H] (average)

(CH4 fit)






5 × 10-6

4.9 × 10-6











































Table 8.3.  [H] required to simulate the variation in the mole fraction of methane as a function of filament temperature measured 4 mm from the filament for 1% CH4 in H2 at 20 Torr.  The output data from SPIN and the calculated species mole fractions are given in six significant figures.


Figure 8.15.  Schematic showing the H atom concentration calculated by SPIN after the simulation vs. the input values used (to simulate the CH4 mole fractions).


            Figure 8.16 shows how the other hydrocarbon species measured using MBMS compared with the SPIN simulation.  Note that this particular simulation was intended to match the CH4 mole fractions.



Figure 8.16.  Comparison between the mole fractions of the major hydrocarbon species (CH4, CH3, C2H2, and C2H4) calculated by SPIN (open squares) and those measured by the MBMS system (filled squares).

Inspection of Figure 8.16 reveals that the variation in mole fractions of the other species calculated by SPIN are accurate to within a factor of between 1-4 compared to the measured MBMS values.


Next, SPIN was used to simulate the C2H2 species and the [H] required to accomplish this is shown in Table 8.4. Inspection of this table again reveals that the values for [H] calculated by SPIN (output file) are close to those of the values used in the input file, which confirms the accuracy of the initial estimates (See also Figure 8.17).


Gas Temperature (Tg)


[H] input

(C2H2 fit)

[H] output

(C2H2 fit)

[H] (average)

(C2H2 fit)


















































Table 8.4.  [H] required to simulate the variation in the mole fraction of acetylene as a function of filament temperature measured 4 mm from the filament for 1% CH4 in H2 at 20 Torr.

Figure 8.17.  Schematic showing the H atom concentration calculated by SPIN after the simulation vs. the input values used (to simulate the C2H2 mole fractions).


            Figure 8.18 shows how the other hydrocarbon species measured using MBMS compared with the SPIN simulation.  Note that this particular simulation was intended to match the C2H2 mole fractions.


Figure 8.18.  Comparison between the mole fractions of the major hydrocarbon species (CH4, CH3, C2H2, and C2H4) calculated by SPIN (open squares) and those measured by the MBMS system (filled squares).

Again the mole fractions of the other hydrocarbon species calculated are accurate to within a factor of between 1-4, and in reasonable agreement with those measured by the MBMS system.  When simulating the C2H2 mole fraction, the inability to measure accurately low concentrations of C2H2 using the MBMS system at low temperatures means that an unfeasibly high [H] input had to be implemented in the SPIN input file, and so the low MBMS temperature readings have been ignored.  The two experimentally measured hydrocarbon species that closely match the SPIN calculations are CH4 and C2H2.  As Figure 8.19 shows the H atom mole fractions required by SPIN to simulate the CH4 data was slightly different than those required to simulate the C2H2 data. An average value for the  [H] was calculated for the two separate simulations, and so average values for the [CH4] and [C2H2] were obtained as a function of filament temperature, and shown in Figure 8.20 (red line).  The error bars represents the discrepancy in mole fraction of one specie when fitting the data for the other specie.

Figure 8.19.  H atom mole fraction required by SPIN to simulate the variation of [CH4] (blue line) and [C2H2] (red line) as a function of filament temperature.  The green line represents the average values for the two fits.

Figure 8.20.  SPIN simulation of 1% CH4 in H2 vs. filament temperature.  The blue dots represents the values of mole fractions obtained when performing the methane fit.  The yellow dots represents the values of mole fractions obtained when performing the acetylene fit.  The red line represents the average values for the two simulations. Error bars are shown to illustrate the discrepancies in the mole fractions inherent in one specie (CH4 or C2H2) when performing a simulation for the other specie (C2H2 or CH4).


8.7  Filament poisoning effects


            One of the main problems with hot filament CVD is the gas temperature drop, or discontinuity, that occurs at the filament.  Some research groups have found using thermocouples that the gas temperature in the vicinity of the filament can be up to 1000K below the filament temperature.8.2,8.17  The extent of this temperature discontinuity seem to be dependent on the amount of energy provided to the filament.  A possible explanation for this is the role played by the filament in H2 decomposition.  There is considerable evidence to show that the molecular hydrogen dissociates into atomic hydrogen primarily through catalytic reaction on the filament surface.8.18,8.19  The rational for this comes from the observations that measured H concentrations decrease dramatically upon increasing CH4 in the feed gas.8.18,8.19  The process whereby a hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon radical fragment reduces the effective concentration of H atoms produced at the filament is known as the filament poisoning effect.  This effect need to be taken into account when choosing an appropriate starting [H].  Hsu8.18 carried out a series of experiments in which the filament temperature was held constant at 2620K, and the inlet CH4 concentration was varied between 0.4% and 7.2%.  Hsu found that as the amount of CH4 in the system was increased, less power was required to maintain the filament at 2620K.  The reason for this is that more reactive sites on the filament become obstructed by increasing CH4, thus reducing the power supplied to the filament to initiate the H2 decomposition, resulting in higher filament temperature.


            The main assumption built into the numerical simulation is the inlet H:H2 ratio (See Tables 8.5 and 8.6 for a list of [H]/[H2] values used in this study to simulate the MBMS results).


Gas Temperature (Tg)


[H]/[H2] input (%)

(CH4 fit)

[H]/[H2] output (%)

(CH4 fit)

[H]/[H2] (average) (%)

(CH4 fit)


















































Table 8.5.  [H]/[H2] ratios used in order to simulate the variation in the mole fraction of CH4 as a function of filament temperature for 1% CH4 in H2 at 20 Torr.


Figure 8.21.  Numerical simulation of a hot filament system containing only H2.


Gas Temperature (Tg)


[H]/[H2] input (%)

(C2H2 fit)

[H]/[H2] output (%)

(C2H2 fit)

[H]/[H2] (average) (%)

(C2H2 fit)


















































Table 8.6.  [H]/[H2] ratios used in order to simulate the variation in the mole fraction of C2H2 as a function of filament temperature for 1% CH4 in H2 at 20 Torr.


                In the absence of methane (and surface reactions which also reduces the effective concentration of H2 at the substrate c.f. Figures 8.10 and 8.11) the variation of the atomic H concentration as a function of filament temperature is shown above in Figure 8.21, consistent with the simulation performed by Dandy and Coltrin.8.5  In their study however, instead of studying the dependence of species distributions on filament temperature (which is the subject of the present work), they varied the inlet methane concentration between 0.4% and 7.2%, whilst holding the filament temperature, Tf, fixed at 2620K.  To simulate the effects of filament poisoning without attempting to model the heterogeneous chemistry occurring there, they proposed a simple ‘poisoning formula’,


where XH is the H atom mole fraction at the filament, and 0.004 £ XCH4 £ 0.072.

The term R is the mole fraction ratio of XH2 / XH.  At 2620K, they predicted a value of R of 3.46 at XCH4 = 0, which they viewed as the minimum value that R will attain in the system.  It is then assumed that R varies linearly with XCH4, reaching a maximum value Rmax when XCH4 = 0.072.  In order to use this functional form for R(XCH4), the slope of the line or another value of R must be known.  On a trial and error basis, by attempting to minimise the differences between the numerical and experimental results, they found that good agreement at XCH4 = 0.072 was obtained using Rmax » 100.  As it turns out this estimate agreed very closely to the results observed in this present simulation studies.  Assuming that this linear dependence of R with XCH4 is true, the slope of this line is therefore:



The equation of the line is therefore




In the present study, XCH4 = 0.01 (1%), therefore,


R(XCH4 = 0.01) = 1340.8 × 0.01 + 3.46 = 16.87


so the H atom mole fraction at 2620K where XCH4  = 0.01 becomes,


            A good estimate for the inlet [H] for SPIN would therefore be 0.0554.  Subsequent simulation using this value for H showed very good agreement with measured species concentrations by the MBMS system.


            Since the present work is more involved with studying the dependence of species distributions as a function of filament temperature, ideally we would like to obtain a range of values of R (and hence XH) vs. filament temperature, for a given input CH4 concentration.  Since Dandy and Coltrin performed experiments based on a fixed temperature regime, an additional assumption has to be made in order to make any progress in the present endeavour.  At a filament temperature of 2620K, the ratio of XH (XCH4 = 0.01): XH (XCH4 = 0) is 0.0554/0.22576 = 0.246.  Assuming that this ratio is independent of filament temperature, then the degree of H atom loss due to filament poisoning is such that only ~25% of XH predicted by the SENKIN code is actually present at the filament.  Figure 8.22 shows how the concentration of atomic H varies as a function of temperature:(a) using pure hydrogen in the system, (b) when 1% CH4 is present in the gas mixture and (c) calculated by SPIN in order to model the MBMS results.  At high gas temperatures (³ 2250K), there is a remarkable correlation between the simulated results (b) and (c), which suggests that the assumption made above accurately predicts the true H atom concentration in the CVD reactor at growth conditions.  At lower temperatures, deviation from the fit between (b) and (c) becomes more prominent with decreasing temperature. This may again be due to our inability to obtain accurate values of detected species at low concentrations, which precludes the possibility of obtaining sensible numerical simulations by SPIN.


Figure 8.22.  Variation of [H] vs. temperature: (a) using pure H2 in the system; (b) calculated when 1% CH4 is present in the gas mixture, based on the assumptions outlined in the text; (c) required by SPIN to model the MBMS measurements.


8.8 References

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