The dangers of creatine: Part 1
Anything can become dangerous if overused e.g. Vitamin C has very harmful effects if too much is taken. Therefore if the correct dosages are followed, then creatine will not be harmful. There are very few side effects reported with creatine use but some are upset stomach, muscle cramping, diarrhea and dehydration.
These side effects can be minimized by drinking plenty of water when taking creatine. Also, people tend to have more side effects when taking the powder as opposed to a more direct delivery method like serum or effervescent powder. It is important to understand that creatine does not effect hormone levels so side effects like bad skin and mood swings are not oberved. Obviously everyone is different and so creatine may be ok for one person but unwise for a friend to use. These are the short term effects but what about in the long run?