Creatine as a sports supplement: Part 2
Creatine can also be taken in liquid or serum form. There are many advantages to liquid creatine over powder as it has a more effective delivery mechanism so much more creatine is absorbed. This means less can be taken to achieve the same results. The major down side to liquid creatine is it is very hard to make as if it is just mixed in a liquid it starts to breakdown into a waste product (creatinine) after about 20 minutes. Therefore the creatine is stabilized so it will not break down and so remain as creatine monohydrate.Creatine pills work the same way as the powder. but are easier to take because no mixing is involved. However, it is hard to vary the dosage as pills come in set sizes i.e. 5g etc. Creatine gum is not popular as atheletes need to chew it as they workout. This is a serious danger in physical sports. As the creatine is absorbed in your mouth, absorption rates should increase. The effervescent powder form works on the same principle as the liquid but fizzes when mixed. Again it is hard to vary the dosage as the powder comes in prepacked sachets.This is the end of my website, thank you very much for taking the time to read it. MP