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    Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest


    Saturn is also a gas planet therefore having no solid land. Saturn has much fainter bands than Jupiter which are much wider near it's equator. It also has long-lived ovals. In 1990, a white cloud was observed near the equator and in 1994 another smaller storm was observed. 


    Saturn's interior is similar to Jupiter's. It has a rocky core covered by a liquid metallic hydrogen layer and after this a molecular hydrogen layer. But in Saturn there are also traces of ice present.


    As mentioned above, hydrogen has a predominantly hydrogen atmosphere that is often stirred by strong winds.


    Saturn reradiates more energy into space than its receives from the sun and has a hot interior of 12 000K.


    Saturn has a significant magnetic field.


    Saturn has two prominent rings and one faint ring, but all are very bright. They are composed of innumerable small particles each in independent orbit, varying in size from centimeters to meters, and even a few kilometer size. The rings are very thin and are composed mainly of water ice and some rocky particles with ice coatings. The origin of these rings is unknown and they are not stable. They are regenerated by the break up of larger satellites.

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