Methyl Isocyanate (MIC)

Common name isocyanic acid, methylester and methyl carbylamine
Molecular mass 57.1
    1. Melting Point : -45oC ; Boiling Point: 43-45oC

    2. Volatile liquid with a sharp pungent odour.

    3. Reacts violently with water and is highly flammable.

    4. MIC vapour is denser than air and will collect and stay at low areas. The vapour mixes well with air and explosives mixtures are formed.

    5. May polymerize due to heating or under the influence of water and catalysts.

    6. Decomposes on heating and produces toxic gases like hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide.

Uses Used in the production of synthetic rubber, adhesives, pesticides and herbicide Intermediates. It is also used for the conversion of aldoximes to nitriles
Side Effects MIC is extremely toxic by inhalation, ingestion and skin absorption. Inhalation of MIC causes cough, dizziness, shortness of breath, sore throat and unconsciousness. It is corrosive to the skin and eyes. Short term exposures also leads to death or adverse effects like pulmonary edema (respiratory inflammation), bronchitis, bronchial pneumonia and reproductive effects. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s permissible exposure limit to MIC over a normal 8hr workday or a 40 hr workweek is 0.05mg/m3.


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University Of Bristol

School of Chemistry

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