



Apple juice is in some ways harder to make than apple cider. Basically, the most fundamental difference is in juice-making is to preserve the sugar in the fruit from being fermented into alcohol by the natural yeast present in them. This can only be done by heat treatment to kill the yeast, or by deep-freezing or chemical addition to inhibit its growth. Though it sounds simple, these processes all require sophisticated technology.


Another difference of apple juice making from apple cider making is the fruit requirement. While cider making requires high sugar content to turn into alcohol, some acid to benefit the fermentation process and some tannin to give the final blend, apple juice making requires a fine balance for the ‘Brix/acid’ ratio (which is the percentage sugar divided by percentage acid).


A simple guideline in the selection of apples for juice making would be ‘if you wouldn’t even eat the fruit as a fresh fruit, then it is not fit for juice-making’!

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