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As previously mentioned, cubane was the first from a growing family of strained ring systems and ever since it's first successful synthesis, chemists have been dreaming up molecules with other unusual conformations, hoping that they would be stable enough to actually exist.

Below are 3 more examples of other strained ring systems:


Triprismane was first to follow cubane and the synthesis was successfully completed in 1973 giving a molecule with the molecular formula C6H6.


Pentaprismane has the molecular formula of C10H10 and is basically composed of two five membered rings laying on top of one another to form a pentagonal prism. The first synthesis of this molecule was successfully carried out in 1981 and follows a similar procedure to the synthesis of cubane.


The basis of Pagodane is a system of 4 inter-connected five membered rings which are boded together to give a molecule with the molecular formula of C20H20. It can be synthesised from a commerically available insecticide called isodrine and was first done so in 1987.

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