Obviously at the moment it is impossible to live to 150 years old as some kind of limber super human.  However that's not to say that people aren't already trying to use these therapies to get an edge over the competition.

A good example of this is Ritalin, the active ingredient of which is Methylphenidate (MPH).  Like most of the drugs that could be used to enhance us that wasn't it's original aim.  MPH was initially prescribed as a treatment for depression, chronic fatigue, and narcolepsy, among other ailments. Beginning in the 1960s, it was used to treat children with ADHD and it is now the most commonly prescribed medication for ADHD around the world.  However 10 % of US university students regularly take Ritalin as a "smart drug" to boost their attention and concentration.





Images from Wikipedia

Another "smart drug" is modafinil which is used to treat narcolepsy.  It is also currently understudy as a treatment for depression.  Recently Danielle Turner at the University of Cambridge tested it's credentials using a test called the one-touch tower of London test.  They discovered that after a dose of modafinil the volunteers suddenly found the tasks much easier and made less mistakes, especially as tasks got more difficult.  Modafinil's ability to improve not only planning but also decision-making and verbal and visual memory has lead to it being called the "first true smart drug".      

There is more to come as well.  At the current time there are 40 cognition-enhancing drugs currently in production.  They have been designed to improve (among other things) wakefulness, attention, memory, decision making and planning