Partial Derivation of the Differentiation Formula - for reference only - do not learn

Introduce δ to mean a very small change (Δ means a large change)

Gradient of the chord AB =

Now δy = y(x + δx) - y(x)

gradient of the tangent at A =

Example y = x2.

If y(x) = x2

y(x+δx) = (x + δx)2 = x2 +2xx + (δx)2

gradient of tangent =


= 2x + δx

which tends to 2x as δx tends to 0

Higher powers of x: If y = xn we need (x + δx)n - xn

Pascal's triangle gives the multipliers of (x +a)n, and it can be shown that this leads to the 'magic' formula:

(xn) = nxn-1