1S Summer Exam 2006 - Calculus Dr Paul May

1. Answer all parts (a) to (d). All parts carry equal marks.

Determine the following:

(a) dy/dx      if      y = 27x5

(b) du/dz      if      u = 3.2z2 + 6z - 5.7

(c) dβ/dθ      if       β = 8cos θ


(4 marks)

2. Answer all parts (a) to (d). All parts carry equal marks.

Differentiate the following functions with respect to x, and simplify the result where possible:

(a) y = (5 - 3x)(2 - 20x)

(b) y = 2.8x56 sin x


(d) y = 3 ln(3x2 - 6x5)

(8 marks)

3. Answer all parts (a) to (d).

The Lennard-Jones potential used to describe the van der Waals interaction energy between two neutral molecules is given by the following equation:

where ε is the well depth and σ is the hard-sphere radius of the molecule. Measurements of V versus r are given in the table.

r / Å1.
V / (kJ mol-1)66.419.60-7.58-9.83-9.82-8.91-7.74-6.57

(a) Plot these data as a graph and estimate the co-ordinates (rmin, Vmin) of the minimum of the curve.

(4 marks)

(b) Differentiate the equation for the Lennard-Jones potential, and obtain an expression for rmin in terms of σ.

(4 marks)

(c) Put this expression for rmin back into the original Lennard-Jones equation, and calculate an expression for Vmin in terms of ε. Compare this to your estimate from (ii) and hence obtain a value for ε.

(2 marks)

(d) Using your estimate for rmin from (a) and your expression for rmin from (b), calculate a value for σ.

(2 marks)



a) dy/dx = 135x4        b) du/dz = 6.4z + 6

c) dβ/dθ = -8sinθ       d)


a) Product Rule: (5 - 3x).(-20) + (2 - 20x).(-3) =       120x - 106

b) Product Rule: 2.8x56(cos x) + (sin x)(156.8 x55) =     2.8x55 (xcos x + 56sinx)

c) Quotient Rule:

d) Funct. of a Funct.:

3) (a)

The graph shows that rmin should be between 2.2 and 2.3 Å, and Vmin should be around -10 kJ mol-1.

(b) Rewrite it as:

At the minimum, dV/dr = 0, so

Dividing by 4ε:

Dividing by 6, σ6 and r-7:

Sixth rooting: i.e       rmin = 1.122σ

(c) Substituting back this value for rmin into the original LJ equation we get:

Cancelling the σ's, we get:

So Vmin = - ε,       which should be around -10 kJ mol-1 (which isn't surprising as ε is called the 'well depth', so should be the minimum of the curve!)

(d) Using rmin = 1.122σ and a value from the graph of rmin ~ 2.24, we get σ = 2 Å (which you could also get from the fact that when V=0 in the LJ equation, r = σ, so the graph crosses the axis at r = σ, which from the graph is 2 Å).