Property | Value | Units |
Hardness | 10,000 | kg/mm2 |
Strength, tensile | >1.2 | GPa |
Strength, compressive | >110 | GPa |
Sound velocity | 18,000 | m/s |
Density | 3.52 | g/cm3 |
Young's modulus | 1220 | GPa |
Poisson's ratio | 0.2 | Dimensionless |
Thermal expansion coefficient | 0.0000011 | /K |
Thermal conductivity | 20.0 | W/cm-K |
Thermal shock parameter | 30,000,000 | W/m |
Debye temperature | 2,200 | K |
Optical index of refraction (at 591 nm) | 2.41 | Dimensionless |
Optical transmissivity (from nm to far IR) | 225 | Dimensionless |
Loss tangent at 40 Hz | 0.0006 | Dimensionless |
Dielectric constant | 5.7 | Dimensionless |
Dielectric strength | 10,000,000 | V/cm |
Electron mobility | 2,200 | cm2/V-s |
Hole mobility | 1,600 | cm2/V-s |
Electron saturated velocity | 27,000,000 | cm/s |
Hole saturated velocity | 10,000,000 | cm/s |
Work function | small and negative | On [111] surface |
Bandgap | 5.45 | eV |
Resistivity | 1013 - 1016 | Ohm-cm |