A ‘nontrivial’ solution exists only if

det(H - ES) = 0,

i.e. if the determinant


This determinant is known as the SECULAR DETERMINANT.


The equations use shorthand for the Hamiltonian integrals (‘matrix elements’), i.e. energies:



and the overlap integrals/matrix elements (the overlap is a number between 0 and 1):



Note the symmetry H12= H21and S12= S21 in these matrix elements.


Expanding the secular determinant, we get a quadratic equation for E:


(H11 - ES11)(H22 - ES22) - (H12 - ES12)2 = 0


·    This means that there will be two values of E which satisfy this equation. 

·    These two values  are the energies of the two molecular orbitals and  the index “i” has been used to label them. 

·    We denote the two molecular orbital energies as E1 and E2. 

·    In our example, one will be the bonding, the other the antibonding p-orbital formed by the combination of the two C 2p orbitals.


The original atomic orbital energies, e1 and e2, are:



The MOs must be normalized...