Shell 4.3 users' guide

Shell 4.3 users' guide

M B Taylor, G D Barrera

RCS: Source: /home/mbt/shell/doc/RCS/shelluser.tex,v    Revision: 2.1    Date: 1998/03/06 11:06:07


1  Legal and contact information
2  Introduction
    2.1  About this document
    2.2  Note for the impatient
        2.2.1  Installing Shell
        2.2.2  Running Shell
3  Shell input file format
    3.1  Example input file
    3.2  General points about input file parsing
    3.3  Detailed description of input file
4  Program functionality
    4.1  THERMO mode
    4.2  FREQ mode
    4.3  GRADIENT mode
    4.4  OPTIMISE mode
        4.4.1  Optimisation methods
    4.5  DISPERS mode
    4.6  GRUNEIS mode
    4.7  ELASTIC mode
    4.8  TEST mode
    4.9  BENCH mode
5  Notes and tips
    5.1  Analysis of results
    5.2  Three-body interactions
6  Utility programs
    6.1  shed: input file manipulator
    6.2  toev: output file unit convertor
    6.3  intern: internal strain coordinate guesser
    6.4  bond: structure bond-length and angle calculator
    6.5  vrml: 3d graphics file generator
    6.6  plotpot: potential function plotter
    6.7  funcof: print dependence of one variable on another
7  Installation
    7.1  Source distribution
    7.2  Binary distribution
8  References

List of Figures

    1  File examp.shl: a sample Shell input file
    2  Alternative format for specifying INTERNAL strains
    shell.out for command shed -rTHERMO <examp.shl | shell
    4  Output of toev <shell.out for the file in figure 3

1.  Legal and contact information

Shell is available free of charge to academic institutions and non-commercial establishments only. Copies should be obtained from the authors only and should not be distributed in any form by the user to a third party without the express permission of the authors. All rights for this code remain with the authors.

No claim is made that this code is free from errors and no liability will be accepted for any loss or damage that may result. The user is responsible for checking the validity of the results.

Copyright: Neil Allan, Mark Taylor (Bristol, UK)
Gustavo Barrera (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

2.  Introduction

This document is a guide for use of the lattice dynamics program Shell and also for some associated utility programs. Section 3 gives a detailed description of the input file format, section 4 explains the capabilities of the program, in the form of its behaviour in each of the available run modes, section 6 describes, mainly by way of example, the set of utility programs which are designed to make Shell easier and more productive to use, and section 7 describes how to install the program and associated files.

Detailed discussion of the theory used by this code exists elsewhere (see section 8).

2.1  About this document

This document exists in postscript and HTML form, generated from the original LATEX by the excellent TtH. The hypertext form can be much more useful because of the extensive crosslinking of keywords although some of the typesetting is a bit inferior.

The mathematical parts of the text are typeset in the HTML version using HTML 3.2, which is supported on most relatively recent browsers. If some of the mathematics looks quite garbled using Netscape under X however you can fix it fairly painlessly as described in

2.2  Note for the impatient

It is not necessary to read all of this document. This section (2.2) contains the minimum you can get away with knowing.

2.2.1 Installing Shell

Source distribution
(file shell.tar)
To install Shell from source, you could try just unpacking the tar file (tar xvf shell.tar) in a directory called, say, shell, and running make in the shell/src subdirectory, consulting section 7 if you run into problems. You are however advised to read through that section anyway. It's not very long.
Binary distribution
(file binshell.tar)
You can just unpack the tar file (tar xvf binshell.tar) in a directory called, say, shell. You are advised to read through section 7 also.

2.2.2 Running Shell

You are advised to add the directory shell/bin to your PATH.

Source distribution
If you have the source distribution then after compilation the Shell executable will probably be called shell in directory shell/bin.
Binary distribution
If you have the binary distribution there should be executables in shell/bin called shell.n , where n is the maximum number of particles per unit cell for which it was compiled. Use the executable which corresponds to the smallest n which is greater than or equal to the number of particles (cores+shells) in your unit cell.

The quickest way to get started is to use the example file examp.shl (in directory shell/doc, or figure 1 of this document) modifying it to your own requirements by reference to section 3 and possibly 4. Using figure 1 of the hypertext version of this document is a pretty painless way to see what the file format means. Skimming through sections 3 and 4 before making much use of the program would be quite a good idea however. Shell is run by feeding a data file to standard input, e.g. shell < shell/doc/examp.shl.

It is not necessary to use the utility programs, and hence to read section 6, but it is advised for those who will make more than casual use of the program, especially within shell scripts, to look at least at sections 6.1 (shed) and 6.7 (funcof). The usefulness of the other utilities described in section 6 will vary from ``no use at all'' to ``extremely useful'' according to what you want to do.

3.  Shell input file format

Shell does calculations as instructed by an input file, of which the format is described here.

3.1  Example input file

In figure 1 is shown an example input file examp.shl for a full optimisation of MgF2 at finite temperature and zero pressure. Figure 2 shows the alternative format for specifying the INTERNAL strains. Examining and modifying this file, which is supplied in the Shell distribution as shell/doc/examp.shl should be an easy way to generate and understand Shell input files.

A more formal definition of the input file format is given in the next two sections: section 3.2 describes the general rules for parsing the input, and section 3.3 gives a detailed explanation of each part of the input file format.

Figure 1: File examp.shl: a sample Shell input file

TITLE Magnesium Fluorite rutile structure with shells
LATTICE TP  4.66 3.19
     F        0         -1.13757
    cF       18.99984    0.23357
     Mg      24.305      1.808
     Mg   0      0      0
     Mg   0.5    0.5    0.5
    cF    0      0      0
    cF    1      1      0
    cF    0.5    0.5    0.5
    cF    0.5    0.5    0.5
     F    0      0      0
     F    1      1      0
     F    0.5    0.5    0.5
     F    0.5    0.5    0.5
POTENTIALS       #  Potentials of Barrera et al.
    EXPO     F   Mg      5971.7    0.2127      0.2   8.0
    EXPO     F   F       22400.    0.1917      0.2   8.0
    INVERSE  F   Mg     -8.9596    6.          0.2   8.0
    INVERSE  F   F       24.804    6.          0.2   8.0
    SPRING   F  cF      17.496                 0.    0.2
TEMP 1000
INTERNAL  0.3057
     3       1    1    0
     4      -1   -1    0
     5      -1    1    0
     6       1   -1    0
     7       1    1    0
     8      -1   -1    0
     9      -1    1    0
    10       1   -1    0
INTERNAL  0.0004
     7       1    1    0
     8      -1   -1    0
     9      -1    1    0
    10       1   -1    0

Figure 2: Alternative format for specifying INTERNAL strains

INTERNAL  0.3057
      0    0    0
      0    0    0
      1    1    0
     -1   -1    0
     -1    1    0
      1   -1    0
      1    1    0
     -1   -1    0
     -1    1    0
      1   -1    0
INTERNAL  0.0004
      0    0    0
      0    0    0
      0    0    0
      0    0    0
      0    0    0
      0    0    0
      1    1    0
     -1   -1    0
     -1    1    0
      1   -1    0

3.2  General points about input file parsing

3.3  Detailed description of input file

The lines in the input file are described here one by one. Unless otherwise noted, all lines are mandatory and must appear in the order shown here. The following typographical conventions are used:

The format is as follows:

4.  Program functionality

This section describes the calculations made by the program, and the output files produced, when run in its various run-mode s.

4.1  THERMO mode

Output files: shell.out timing.out

The static energy U is calculated. If x-mesh > 0 then then the dynamical properties at temperature temp are also calculated. If any of the eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix are negative (implying imaginary vibrational frequencies) the program is normally terminated, unless the OPTION IMAGINARY option has been specified.

Output is written to file shell.out The format of shell.out is quite self-explanatory: first a set of named results is printed with units, then the two- and three-body short ranged potentials used, then the lattice parameters lat-param and internal strains strain-val (if any) in the same units as in the input file, then the unit cell primitive vectors row-wise in Ångstrom, then the x , y , z basis coordinates in a format suitable for splicing into a Shell input file. Note that the x , y , z coordinates include the effect of any of the internal strain-val strains. An example shell.out file is shown in figure 3. The Mesh = line has three components normally, or two components for SLAB geometry.

A file timing.out which contains information about how many seconds of CPU time were spent in different parts of the code, is also written.

These calculations are made, and the files shell.out and timing.out produced, in all run modes. Where a run mode has not calculated a quantity which appears in shell.out, the quantity is written to the file as zero.

Figure 3: shell.out for command shed -rTHERMO <examp.shl | shell

Magnesium Fluorite rutile structure with shells                                 
Temperature =  1000.000000    K
Pressure = 0.0000E+00 GPa
Mesh =   3   3   3
Heat Capacity =  147.3455370     J/(mol K)
Static energy = -4908.324615     kJ/mol
Zero point energy =  30.57291422     kJ/mol
Vibrational Energy =  151.9978001     kJ/mol
Vibrational Free Energy = -143.3949528     kJ/mol
Internal Energy = -4756.326815     kJ/mol
Helmholtz Energy = -5051.719568     kJ/mol
Gibbs Energy = -5051.719568     kJ/mol
Entropy =  295.3927529     J/(mol K)
Volume = 0.4171700544E-04 m**3/mol
Thermal Gruneisen parameters =   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000

    EXPO  F    F       22400.000        0.192    0.20    8.00
    INVE  F    F          24.804        6        0.20    8.00
    SPRI  F    cF         17.496                 0.00    0.20
    EXPO  F    Mg       5971.700        0.213    0.20    8.00
    INVE  F    Mg         -8.960        6        0.20    8.00

Lattice parameters
    a =   4.660000000     A
    c =   3.190000000     A

Internal degrees
    0.3057000000    0.0004000000

Primitive vectors
    4.66000000    0.00000000    0.00000000
    0.00000000    4.66000000    0.00000000
    0.00000000    0.00000000    3.19000000

    F                 0.000000       -1.137570
    cF               18.999840        0.233570
    Mg               24.305000        1.808000

Crystallographic basis
    Mg          0.0000000000  0.0000000000  0.0000000000
    Mg          0.5000000000  0.5000000000  0.5000000000
    cF          0.3057000000  0.3057000000  0.0000000000
    cF          0.6943000000  0.6943000000  0.0000000000
    cF          0.1943000000  0.8057000000  0.5000000000
    cF          0.8057000000  0.1943000000  0.5000000000
    F           0.3061000000  0.3061000000  0.0000000000
    F           0.6939000000  0.6939000000  0.0000000000
    F           0.1939000000  0.8061000000  0.5000000000
    F           0.8061000000  0.1939000000  0.5000000000

4.2  FREQ mode

Format: RUN FREQ
Output files: shell.out freq.out timing.out

This is the same as THERMO mode, but additionally writes a file freq.out containing each wave vector used for the Brillouin Zone integration (in Ångstrom-1) with the weighting of that point for the integration, followed a list of all the freqencies at that wave vector (in THz). For dense wave vector meshes this file can be quite long, which is why THERMO mode doesn't write freq.out by default.

4.3  GRADIENT mode

Format: RUN GRADIENT var-set
Output files: shell.out grad.out timing.out

This option calculates the gradient of Gibbs free energy analytically. var-set is a set of one or more keywords which specify which gradient elements are to be calculated as follows

var-set keyword derivatives calculated with respect to


lat-param from the LATTICE line
BASIS x , y , z from the BASIS block
INTERN strain-val from the INTERNAL line(s)

At least one of these three strain types must be given, and BASIS and INTERN cannot be used together. If CELL and one of BASIS or INTERN is given, then an additional keyword ZSISA may be used. This indicates that the CELL gradient is to be derivatives of the full dynamic free energy, while the BASIS/INTERN gradient is derivatives of only the static part (if x-mesh = 0 however then ZSISA will have no effect).

The meanings of all the allowed var-set combinations are given explicitly in table 1. The keywords in var-set may be given in any order.

Table 1: All allowed values of var-set used for selecting gradient types.
eext are the external lattice parameters lat-param , uia are the 3 × num-particles strains x , y , z for each particle, wm are the strain-val strains, and Gstat is the static part of the free energy G.
var-set derivatives calculated


BASIS G/uia   
CELL BASIS G/eext   , G/uia   
CELL INTERN G/eext   , G/wm  
CELL BASIS ZSISA G/eext   , Gstat/uia   
CELL INTERN ZSISA G/eext   , Gstat/wm  

The selected derivatives are written to file grad.out. They are written CELL first, then BASIS/INTERN, each in the order in which they are defined in the input file. They are written three to a line, except that the BASIS/INTERN ones always start on a new line.

4.4  OPTIMISE mode

Format: RUN OPTIMISE var-set opt-method
Output files: shell.out timing.out

An iterative procedure is used, starting from the geometry given in the input file, to minimise the free energy G (or Gstat if x-mesh = 0) with respect to the Ne geometric variables specified in var-set , i.e. locating (locally) optimal unit cell geometry. The convergence condition is that the root mean squared of the derivatives calculated (as shown in table 1) is within a certain tolerance opt-tol of zero. opt-tol defaults to 0.01 but can be set using the CONVERGE OPTION.

The optimisation possibilities are therefore quite flexible. If a completely relaxed solution at a given applied pressure press is required then either `CELL BASIS' or `CELL INTERN' should be specified, while if optimised internal strains at the constant volume determined by the lat-param variables is required then just BASIS or INTERN (though note this is not strictly a constant-volume optimisation except for cubic symmetries, since the shape as well as the volume of the unit cell is held constant).

Giving the keyword ZSISA in addition to CELL and BASIS or INTERN as shown in table 1 causes a full optimisation within the Zero Static Internal Stress Approximation to be carried out. Lacking analytic free energy derivatives, ZSISA is the approximation within which most existing lattice dynamical structure optimisation programs work by default. Note however that because of the way Shell works, this approximation is not any cheaper than a fully dynamic optimisation, so it will only be useful for comparison with other methods.

The even more extreme Constant Internal Strain Parameter Approximation (CISPA) can be used by doing a `CELL INTERN' optimisation at x-mesh = 0, then setting the strain-val parameters in the input file to their thus-optimised values, and doing CELL-only optimisations. An example of this is given in section 6.1, example 5.

If BASIS optimisation is chosen then the last listed particle specified in the BASIS section of the input file is held fixed.

4.4.1 Optimisation methods

By default a variable metric method algorithm with an initial static approximation to the hessian is used to perform the optimisation and this usually provides the fastest convergence. However, alternative algorithms may be selected by specifying the opt-method variable.

The various methods work by making use of the free energy G and its derivatives with respect to whatever set var-set of strains {ei} has been specified. The program can make direct analytic evaluations of the dynamic free energy G, the dynamic free energy gradient (first strain derivative vector) G / ei, and the static part of the free energy hessian (second strain derivative matrix) 2 Gstat / ei ej. Since the static contribution to the free energy derivatives is usually the most important part, the static hessian can be used as an approximation to the full (dynamic) hessian, i.e. 

2 Gstat
ei ej
» 2 G
ei ej
If the x-mesh specified in the input file is zero, then this is no longer an approximation, but is exact.

If the first and second derivatives of G are available then a Newton method can be used to iterate from a given strain vector e to an improved (closer to the free energy minimum) vector e+ as follows:

ei+ = ei -
2 G
ei ej
If only the first derivative is available then a conjugate gradient method can be used, in which one dimensional minimisations are carried out in a series of directions conjugate to those of previous iterations, to approach the minimum. The methods described below are on the whole variants of these two approaches. More information can be found, e.g., in Numerical Recipes .

Explanations of the various opt-method options are given in approximate order of usefulness, brief comments being given on applicability. Some are of mainly historical interest.

Output to the screen (that is Unix standard output) varies according to the opt-method chosen, but it is intended to give some indication of the progress of the optimisation. At least every iteration, something will be printed. For the methods VMM, NEWT, 1NNEWT and NNEWT an initial message is printed describing the method to be used and at each iteration a summary line is written. The screen output from the file examp.shl is:

 VMM: Variable metric method using analytic static Hessian and dynamic gradient
 VMM: N =    4
   it         normX             normG                      func   minutes
    1      0.000000      237.68555463        -5051.719567773502      0.03
    2      0.034998       19.32592149        -5052.573602450151      0.06
    3      0.038911        0.54372692        -5052.608214875611      0.09
    4      0.038742        0.11647919        -5052.608233106312      0.12
    5      0.038742        0.00770701        -5052.608233156117      0.15
Optimisation successful in   5 iterations
The meaning of the columns is as follows:

Most of the methods have a maximum number of iterations: if convergence is not reached after that many then the program is terminated.

If imaginary frequencies are encountered during the optimisation, the program will normally terminate, unless the IMAGINARY option has been specified. It can be worth doing this, since sometimes (though not very often) the optimisation is able to return from such unfavourable regions of the configuration space to achieve a physically realistic free energy minimum.

4.5  DISPERS mode

Format: RUN DISPERS qx qy qz num-points
Output files: disper.out motion.out charge.out shell.out timing.out

Note that the only (non-zero) data in shell.out will be the geometry and potentials.

The values qx qy qz specify a reciprocal lattice vector in reciprocal Cartesian space in units of Ångstrom-1. At each of num-points equally spaced points along this vector (the G-point is excluded) the frequencies nqs in units of THz are calculated and output to file disper.out. If any of the eigenvalues (2pnqs)2 is negative, then the corresponding (imaginary) frequency multiplied by Ö-1 is output, i.e. a negative value.

Additionally the eigenvectors in both unmodified form and multiplied by their corresponding charges (the latter useful for identifying IR active normal modes) are output in the files motion.out and charge.out respectively. The first column in each of these files gives the reduced wave vector, e.g. 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00 if num-points = 4.

4.6  GRUNEIS mode

Format: RUN GRUNEIS qx qy qz num-points
Output files: gruneis.out disper.out motion.out charge.out shell.out timing.out

This mode operates in exactly the same way as the DISPERS mode, but it additionally calculates the six macroscopic mode Grüneisen parameters

gqsl = - lnwqs
for each mode s and reciprocal space vector q = (qx ,qy ,qz ). These are written with the corresponding frequencies to the file gruneis.out.

This requires the calculation of the eigenvalue strain derivatives and so is slower than the simple DISPERS mode.

In the case that some states are degenerate, correct calculation of the mode Grüneisen parameters requires more careful handling of the perturbation theory than Shell currently performs. Currently the code simply prints a warning message to the effect that there may be errors in some of the mode Gruneisen parameters. Specifying slightly different qx , qy , qz is usually a satisfactory workaround. Note that this limitation does not affect any of the other quantities calculated by the program.

4.7  ELASTIC mode

Format: RUN ELASTIC [ elast-options ]
Output files: elasti.out shell.out timing.out

The available elast-options are

If this is included then isothermal constants are calculated, otherwise adiabatic constants are calculated.
If the NUMERIC option is given then the elastic constants are calculated by a double numerical differentiation of the free energy, which is very slow.
If the SEMIANALYTIC option is given then the elastic constants are calculated by single numerical differentiation of the analytic free energy gradient. This is much faster, but there is currently an error in this method; it seems to give results which are correct to about 2 significant figures for examples we've tried, but this can't be guaranteed.
If x-mesh = 0 then the static derivatives are in any case calculated entirely analytically, which is fast and accurate.

Shell will say what it's going to do (isothermal or adiabatic, and which method it's using) before it prints the output.

A generalised stiffness matrix STuv (Hessian of the Helmholtz free energy with respect to strains) and compliance matrix CTuv (its inverse) are calculated

2 F
eu ev

( STuv )-1
where the derivatives are over the whole set of general external strains and Cartesian ion position vectors eu = ( hl, rai ), with the exception of position vectors of one ion to account for the translational symmetry of the crystal.

Adiabatic elastic constants are generated using the relationship

SuvS = SuvT + T Cv
gu gv
where gu is the generalised Grüneisen parameter

gu = 1
By default the adiabatic elastic constants are printed out, but by using the ISOTHERMAL option the isothermal ones can be printed instead.

The first 6 × 6 elements of Cuv are then inverted to give the macroscopic stiffness matrix, cnn¢.

4.8  TEST mode

Format: RUN TEST var-set
Output files: shell.out timing.out

In this mode the program calculates the gradients both by numerical differentiation of the free energy and directly using the analytic method. The numeric values are calculated as

» G(ei+h)-G(ei-h)
with a range of values of h so that convergence can be seen. var-set may be chosen as in table 1.

Output is to the screen (standard output); an example is as follows:

% shed -r 'TEST CELL INTERN' < examp.shl | shell
Gradient number    1
       27.04837017           28.20934211    
      -23.70344873          -233.2491974    

 Testing derivatives numerically

             27.04807926       (numeric, h = 0.1E-02)
             27.04836719       (numeric, h = 0.1E-03)
             27.04836975       (numeric, h = 0.1E-04)
             27.04837016       (numeric, h = 0.1E-05)
             27.04832241       (numeric, h = 0.1E-06)
             27.04832696       (numeric, h = 0.1E-07)
       1     27.04837017       (analytic)
             28.20898461       (numeric, h = 0.1E-02)
             28.20933851       (numeric, h = 0.1E-03)
             28.20934260       (numeric, h = 0.1E-04)
             28.20933605       (numeric, h = 0.1E-05)
             28.20935606       (numeric, h = 0.1E-06)
             28.20906957       (numeric, h = 0.1E-07)
       2     28.20934211       (analytic)
            -23.37487765       (numeric, h = 0.1E-02)
            -23.70016310       (numeric, h = 0.1E-03)
            -23.70341522       (numeric, h = 0.1E-04)
            -23.70344737       (numeric, h = 0.1E-05)
            -23.70347829       (numeric, h = 0.1E-06)
            -23.70384209       (numeric, h = 0.1E-07)
       3    -23.70344873       (analytic)
            -232.7846775       (numeric, h = 0.1E-02)
            -233.2445520       (numeric, h = 0.1E-03)
            -233.2491506       (numeric, h = 0.1E-04)
            -233.2491931       (numeric, h = 0.1E-05)
            -233.2492340       (numeric, h = 0.1E-06)
            -233.2492841       (numeric, h = 0.1E-07)
       4    -233.2491974       (analytic)
     Routine AGIBBS:  Total   35.630,  Per call    0.727
     Routine DAGIBS:  Total    1.836,  Per call    1.836

4.9  BENCH mode

Format: RUN BENCH [ var-set ]
Output files: shell.out timing.out

This mode is provided for timing (`benchmarking') the performance of the code in each of its principal types of calculation. It presents an easy to understand summary of the time the code takes to calculate the static and dynamic free energy and their derivatives for a given structure. The data presented is less detailed however than that given in the file timing.out. It may be useful to give an idea of how performance scales for different sized systems, or between different machines, or when varying parameters of the codes operation like eta-factor . Output is fairly self-explanatory: the final line is a summary giving all the times as well as recording x-mesh (MESH), num-particles (NSL) and the number of the particles which are shells (Nsh), these being the principal values which affect the timings.

If the optional var-set list is omitted then a default value of `CELL BASIS' is assumed.

An example output (run on a 133MHz Pentium PC running Linux, compiled using g77) is as follows:

% shed -rBENCH <examp.shl | shell
            Static energy     0.00  minutes
          Static gradient     0.01  minutes
           Static hessian     0.03  minutes
           Dynamic energy     0.10  minutes
         Dynamic gradient     0.29  minutes

 NSL Nsh Mesh       U_st  Grad_st  Hess_st     F_dy  Grad_dy      Total
  10   4    3        0 %      1 %      7 %     23 %     65 %      100 %
  10   4    3       0.00     0.01     0.03     0.10     0.29       0.43

5.  Notes and tips

5.1  Analysis of results

Symmetry of dynamical results
The algorithm for choosing the grid of reciprocal lattice vectors for the Brillouin zone integration does not in general take account of the symmetry of the unit cell. For this reason dynamical results can fail to observe the symmetry relations which would be expected: for instance a BASIS optimisation with x-mesh = 2 can give a different geometry from an INTERN optimisation which constrains the symmetry. At x-mesh = 0, and as x-mesh ® ¥, the two will give the same results, as expected.

5.2  Three-body interactions

There are a couple of peculiarities about the evaluation of the three body contributions to the free energy and its derivatives.

Collinear triples
If the angle q is equal or very close to 180° or 0° then the code will try to perform a divide by zero operation during evaluation of the vibrational contribution to the free energy, or any derivative of the static energy, when using the HAR3 or HEX3 interactions. This will probably result in termination of the program, although this is platform-dependent and may simply result in garbage results. This is not due to the functions in question becoming physically unstable, but is an artifact of the method of evaluation of the derivatives of the three-body potentials. In the current version of Shell there is no way to avoid this problem except by not defining three-body interactions for triples which are (or may become) collinear.
Neighbour lists
When it starts up, for reasons of efficiency, the code sets up a list of triples on which three-body potentials will operate. This list is not regenerated later in the run, even if the geometry has changed (i.e. on subsequent iterations of an optimization run). Thus it is possible for an interaction to continue to operate on a triple even though the angle or distance ranges specified in the input file are no longer satisfied, if the triple has moved outside of the specified range as a result of the change of geometry brought about by the optimization (the opposite effect, of a triple moving into range without the potential being used, can also occur). This is unlikely to be a serious problem, and will in fact improve the performance of the optimization, since if particles are moving into and out of the ranges of interactions there is probably trouble with the potentials anyway, but it may lead to unexpected behaviour.

6.  Utility programs

To make Shell more productive and easier to use, a few external utility programs have been written to manipulate the Shell input and output files. These are on the whole written in Perl 5, a freely available scripting language. Some of them might work for earlier versions of Perl, either with or without modification, but no guarantees. The philosophy of these programs is to provide useful facilities which are more easily done in a scripting language than in FORTRAN, so as to increase the functionality without cluttering up the source code of Shell.

In the following subsections each utility is described and examples are given of its use. The descriptions and examples assume a Unix environment and understanding of terms like standard input , standard output and pipe . If you don't understand these terms (and you are using Unix) then if you just look at the examples you can probably get the idea.

These utilities are self-documenting, in that giving the -h option will cause them to print a usage message and exit. This usage message is shown for reference in the following subsections.

Most of the utilities take one-letter command line flags. Where these are followed by an argument, whitespace between the flag and the argument is optional. These flags cannot be combined behind a single minus sign, so that, e.g. bond -ts is NOT equivalent to bond -t -s.

Note: These programs are reasonably robust, but were rather more sloppily written, tested and documented than Shell itself, so there may be anomalies in their operation. In particular, strange combinations of flags, or feeding them unexpected input, may cause them to misbehave.

6.1  shed: input file manipulator

Running shed -h gives this usage message:

Usage:  shed [options] < old-shell-input-file > new-shell-input-file
    -h                   print this message
    -s <shell-out-file>  use external and internal strains from file
    -e <shell-out-file>  use external strains (lattice params) from file
    -i <shell-out-file>  use internal strains from file
    -b <shell-out-file>  use basis strains from file
    -E <lattice-params>  set lattice params to <lat-params> (space separated)
    -I <int-strains>     set internal strains to <int-strains> (spc separated)
    -z                   set all internal strains to zero
    -m <mesh>            use <mesh> mesh points
    -t <temp>            set temperature to <temp>
    -p <press>           set pressure to <press>
    -r <run-type>        do a run of type <run-type>
    -o <opt-line>        use options <opt-line>
    -x <t1>:<t2>         exchange atoms type <t1> -> <t2> in basis
    -X <s1>:<s2>         exchange string <s1> -> <s2> throughout
    -v                   print all changes as made (verbose output)
shed ( Shell file editor) is designed for manipulating Shell input files so that it is not necessary to enter an editor every time some modification to the run needs to be done. It's a bit like the Unix sed command, but tailored to the needs of Shell input files. This should make running Shell both from the command line and from shell scripts much less fiddly.

The operation of shed is as follows: it reads a Shell input file line by line on standard input, and for each line examines the flags supplied on the command line. According to these flags, it may make modifications to the line. It then writes the modified or unmodified line to standard output. If the -v (verbose) flag is supplied then a copy of every modified line will be written to standard error as well. Using the the -v flag is therefore a good idea to check that shed is doing what you think it is.

Useful things to do with shed are therefore

and some useless ones would be

Each option flag (except -h, -z, -v, which do not take arguments) is followed by a single command line argument. If the argument has spaces in it therefore, it must be enclosed in single or double quotes to prevent the Unix shell from breaking it into several words.

The meaning of the flags should be reasonably self-explanatory from the output of shed -h. Where it is not, playing around with it (especially using the -v flag as in example 6.1 below) should make things clear. Instead of explaining each option in detail, we give some examples.

  1. Run Shell using a slightly modified input file
    shed -m5 -t1500 -r'TEST CELL' <examp.shl | shell

    This command line runs Shell according to the input file examp.shl except that the lines MESH 5, TEMP 1500 and RUN TEST CELL are substituted for the original MESH, TEMP and RUN lines.
    The quotes in the -r'TEST CELL' part are required to prevent the Unix shell from interpreting the space between the two keywords as breaking them into two arguments of shed.
  2. See what changes a shed command would make to a file
    shed -v -s shell.out -p50 <examp.shl >/dev/null

    This command goes through the file examp.shl, making the changes indicated by the supplied flags (taking the lat-param and strain-val geometry values from shell.out and setting press to 50 GPa), and discards the resulting shell input file (writes it to the device /dev/null). However, the -v flag causes it to write the changes it has made to the screen. Routine use of the -v flag is a good idea to check that shed is doing what you think it is.
    A more direct, though less readable, way of seeing the changes made by shed would be
    shed -s shell.out -p50 <examp.shl | diff examp.shl -

  3. Run Shell at a series of temperatures
    for temp in 500 1000 1500
      shed -r THERMO -t $temp <examp.shl | shell
      cat shell.out >> examp.log

    This is a short Bourne shell script to run shell for each of three temperatures and append the output file of each to a log file.
  4. Optimisation in steps
    shed -r'OPTIM CELL INTERN' -m0 <examp.shl | shell
    shed -r'OPTIM CELL INTERN' -m2 -s shell.out <examp.shl | shell
    shed -r'OPTIM CELL INTERN' -m4 -s shell.out <examp.shl | shell

    In the first line a static optimisation is done, which is very fast, saving the statically optimised structure in file shell.out. In the second line the strain-val and lat-param (internal and external strain) values are extracted from shell.out and used as a starting point for a slower, but more accurate finite temperature optimisation with x-mesh = 2. Finally that optimised structure is used as a starting point for a much slower, but even more accurate, optimisation with x-mesh = 4.
    Since starting near the optimised value usually reduces the number of iterations required, this multiple step approach can be an efficient way of reaching a dynamically optimised state. Two steps (one static and one dynamic) are often enough.
    In a loop of optimisations it is usually a good idea to use the previous state as a starting point for the next run, e.g.:
    shed -v -m0 -rTHERMO <examp.shl | shell
    for press in 0 5 10 15
      shed -v -p $press -m2 -r'OPTI CELL INTER' -s shell.out \
         <examp.shl | shell
      cat shell.out >>examp_pressure.log

  5. CISPA approximation
    shed -v -r'OPTIM CELL INTERN' -m0 -t0 <examp.shl | shell
    cp shell.out examp_static.out
    for temp in 500 600 700 800
      shed -v -r'OPTIM CELL' -m3 -t $temp \
           -i examp_static.out -e shell.out \
               <examp.shl | shell
      cat shell.out >>examp_cispa.log

    Here a static optimisation is done, and the optimised geometry saved in file examp_static.out. Then for each of a set of temperatures an optimisation is done in which the lattice parameters lat-param are varied but the internal strains strain-val are held fixed to their starting values, which are taken from the statically optimised geometry in examp_static.out. For efficiency, as in example 6.1 the initial lat-param values are taken from the previous calculation.

6.2  toev: output file unit convertor

Running toev -h gives this usage message:

Usage:  toev [-f] [ <shell-output-file> ]
  -f    full file not just <quant> = <value> lines

toev is a very simple utility to convert the quantities output in the shell.out file from kJ-mol units into eV-Å units. It simply reads the Shell output specified (or from standard input if none is given on the command line) and writes to standard output the block of calculated quantities, but in different units. It doesn't repeat the geometrical information unless the -f flag is used.

If the file was generated from a SLAB geometry it will also work out the area of the unit cell in Å2.

Figure 4 shows an example output.

Figure 4: Output of toev <shell.out for the file in figure 3
Magnesium Fluorite rutile structure with shells                                 
Temperature  = 1000.000000 K
Pressure  = 0.0000E+00 GPa
Mesh =   3   3   3
Heat Capacity  = 0.00152712924427472 eV/K
Static energy  = -50.871212067726 eV
Zero point energy  = 0.316866003128853 eV
Vibrational Energy  = 1.57534656511607 eV
Vibrational Free Energy  = -1.48618431450878 eV
Internal Energy  = -49.2958655036463 eV
Helmholtz Energy  = -52.3573963843076 eV
Gibbs Energy  = -52.3573963843076 eV
Entropy  = 0.00306153087962485 eV/K
Volume  = 69.272764000857 A**3
Thermal Gruneisen parameters =   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000

6.3  intern: internal strain coordinate guesser

Running intern -h gives this usage message:

Usage:  intern [-q(uiet) | -v(erbose)] [ <shell-input-file> ]

intern is a utility designed to assist in constructing Shell input files with INTERNAL degrees of freedom. If one has a file (unit cell) containing many particles, but with considerable symmetry, it may be convenient to be able to specify the geometry (internal strains) in terms of a smaller number of strain-val values than the entire set of 3N (x , y , z ) strains. This can be a good idea both in order to understand the geometry of the unit cell better, and to improve the efficiency of the code (optimising with a smaller number of strains may be more efficient than with a large number, although this isn't necessarily the case since certain optimisations can be made if the whole set of (x , y , z ) strains are to be calculated). Constructing a file defining the INTERNAL strains by hand can be tedious and error-prone.

The command reads the Shell input file specified, (or from standard input if none is given on the command line) and writes a modified input file on standard output. By default it also writes some progress information to standard error, but this can be suppressed by the -q flag.

intern takes an existing input file and attempts to guess a set of INTERNAL strains which will fully characterise the geometrical configurations which are allowable by symmetry. It does this in rather a crude way: it calculates the static BASIS gradient for the supplied structure, and groups together elements of the gradient which are `nearly' equal to each other. Each of these groups it assumes to correspond to a single INTERNAL strain and it constructs an INTERNAL strain-val stanza (with strain-val = 0) with lines corresponding to each of the grouped basis coordinates (each entry will be 0 or ±1). Each of these INTERNAL stanzas is then appended to the input file. The process is then repeated with the newly generated input file, but with each of the strain-val values nudged slightly off zero; this repeated cycle may generate more strains if the initial state was in a specially symmetric configuration. This cycle is continued until an iteration does not reveal any more symmetric strains than the previous one.

Clearly, this procedure is not guaranteed to generate either a full, or a minimal, set of internal strains; in particular, its success will depend on the tolerance of `nearness' below which two gradient elements are identified as the same, and the size of `nudge' from symmetric positions between iterations (both these parameters can easily be changed by examining the script). It is a good idea to check the results, e.g. by a sequence of commands such as the following:

intern <old.shl >new.shl
shed -m0 -r'OPTIM CELL INTERN' <new.shl | shell
shed -m0 -r'GRAD CELL BASIS' -s shell.out <new.shl | shell

and examining the file grad.out to check that all the elements are (nearly) zero. If not, then the set of INTERNAL strains generated by intern was not sufficiently general.

To summarize: intern can be a useful tool, but should not be trusted implicitly. In practice however, we've found it to work pretty well.

6.4  bond: structure bond-length and angle calculator

Running bond -h gives this message:

Usage:  bond <options> [ <shell-out-file> ]
    -h               print this message
    -o <out-mode>    2 for lengths, 3 for angles, 23 for both (default 23)
    -b [<min>:]<max> bondlength range in Angstrom (default 0.2:2)
    -t <types>       s for shells, c for cores, sc for both (default c)
    -n               give particle numbers only, not types
    -x               exclude right angles
This utility summarises the structure of a crystal from the shell output file (or from standard input if none is given on the command line) in terms of bond lengths (i.e. distances between pairs of particles) and angles between triples of particles. A range of distances is specified using the -b flag, either by specifying -b bmax or -b bmin:bmax, where bmax and bmin are given in Ångstrom. If either part is omitted the defaults as shown in the usage message are used.

The other command line options should be fairly self explanatory. By way of example: output of the command

bond -b 2.1 -x shell.out
using the shell.out from figure 3 is as follows:
               i           j                 R_ij
               -           -                 ----
               1 -  Mg     4 -  cF      2.0146349
               1 -  Mg     3 -  cF      2.0146349
               2 -  Mg     6 -  cF      2.0146349
               2 -  Mg     5 -  cF      2.0146349
               1 -  Mg     5 -  cF      2.0453999
               2 -  Mg     4 -  cF      2.0453999
               2 -  Mg     3 -  cF      2.0453999
               1 -  Mg     6 -  cF      2.0453999

   i           j           k         Angle j/i\k           R_ij          R_ik
   -           -           -         -----------           ----          ----
   2 -  Mg     3 -  cF     4 -  cF     77.515723       2.0453999     2.0453999
   1 -  Mg     5 -  cF     6 -  cF     77.515723       2.0453999     2.0453999
   3 -  cF     1 -  Mg     2 -  Mg    128.757862       2.0146349     2.0453999
   5 -  cF     1 -  Mg     2 -  Mg    128.757862       2.0453999     2.0146349
   6 -  cF     1 -  Mg     2 -  Mg    128.757862       2.0453999     2.0146349
   4 -  cF     1 -  Mg     2 -  Mg    128.757862       2.0146349     2.0453999

6.5  vrml: 3d graphics file generator

Running vrml -h gives this message

Usage:  vrml <options> [ <shell-out-file> ]  
    -h               print this message
    -b [<min>:]<max> draw bonds between atoms separated by range in Angstrom
    -i <factor>      surround UC with images up to <factor> lattice params
    -l <label>       either n[umber] or t[ype] text in sphere (default none)
    -t <types>       s for shells, c for cores, sc for both (default c)
    -s <transp>      spheres have transparency of <transp> (0-1)
    -a               print out coordinates (Cartesian, Angstrom) not vrml

It reads the Shell output file specified (or from standard input if none is given on the command line) and writes to standard output a VRML 1.0 (Virtual Reality Modelling Language) file giving a three-dimensional description of the unit cell. These files are conventionally named with a .wrl extension, and have a MIME type of x-world/x-vrml. They can be viewed with a specialised viewer2 or with some versions of general purpose WWW browsers. Viewing a structure in this way is not essential, but can give a good feel for the geometry of a unit cell, particularly by using the -l option in conjunction with the bond utility described in section 6.4.

The unit cell is generated as a set of spheres bounded by a wire frame representing the shape of the unit cell. The colours and sizes of the particles are arbitrarily chosen, but characteristics of named particle types can easily be given by editing the vrml script. The meaning of the flags is as follows:

An example VRML file examp.wrl, the result of running

vrml -b2.1 -lt -i1.01

on the file in figure 3, is provided with the distribution.

6.6  plotpot: potential function plotter

Running plotpot -h gives this message:

Usage:  plotpot [ <options> ] <shell-input-files>
    -h                   prints this message
    -x <xmin>:<xmax>     xrange in units of Angstrom.  [1:3] is default.
    -y <ymin>:<ymax>     yrange in units of eV.
    -t <terminal-type>   as in gnuplot, eg. x11, postscript, table.
                               x11 is default
    -p <plot-type>       s for shortrange, c for coulomb
                               a for short+coulomb or a combination
                               like sc for both.  's' is default
This utility generates a gnuplot3 input file to plot the pairwise short-range and/or Coulomb potentials specified in one or more Shell input files. The utility isn't essential, but can be handy for visual comparison of alternative sets of short-ranged potentials.

The flags should be reasonably self-explanatory from the help message. It will typically be used in a pipeline, e.g.

plotpot -x1:2 pots1.shl pots2.shl | gnuplot

plotpot -x1:2 -tpostscript pots1.shl pots2.shl | gnuplot >

Three-body potentials are not handled at all.

6.7  funcof: print dependence of one variable on another

Funcof is a simple Bourne shell (/bin/sh) script which reads a Shell input file on standard input and runs Shell multiple times, modifying the input using shed each time, to display just one (Shell output) value as the function of another (Shell input). It would be useful for a preliminary look at a variable dependency, or a quick evaluation of some derivative-based quantity, but since it discards most of the data would not be appropriate for serious calculations.

Running funcof -h gives this message:

Usage: funcof [-v] [-t] <egrepstring> <paramtype> <value> ...
        -v       verbose output 
        -t       filter shell.out through toev before egrep
Here <grepstring> is a regular expression identifying the file shell.out (filtered through toev if the -t flag is specified), <paramtype> is one of the flags to shed (see section 6.1) and <value> is a list of one or more values to supply to that flag.

For example, the following command shows the effect on the unit cell volume of changing the x-mesh :

% funcof Volume -m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 <examp.shl
      -m 0  Volume = 0.3957030972E-04 m**3/mol
      -m 1  Volume = 0.4057376001E-04 m**3/mol
      -m 2  Volume = 0.4089172153E-04 m**3/mol
      -m 3  Volume = 0.4090018009E-04 m**3/mol
      -m 4  Volume = 0.4090162240E-04 m**3/mol
      -m 5  Volume = 0.4090185519E-04 m**3/mol
      -m 6  Volume = 0.4090200914E-04 m**3/mol
which gives an indication that if you want four significant figures in volume evaluations, the right x-mesh to use would be about 3. Note that the input file must be prepared appropriately for this to work: in this example it is important that the run-mode in examp.shl is OPTIMISE.

funcof is quite primitive, and provided more as an example of how to write a shell script using shed to run Shell than as a useful tool.

7.  Installation

Shell is distributed as a tar file, and will be called something like shell.tar or shell-4.3.tar. If you have a binary distribution (no source code) it will be called binshell.tar or binshell-4.3.tar. If the file has the extension .tar.gz or .tgz then first uncompress it using gzip -d. How to install then depends on which distribution you have.

7.1  Source distribution

This contains the source code with a makefile, some documentation, and the utility programs described in section 6. Some effort has gone into writing the code in standard FORTRAN 77, and although this hasn't been perfectly observed we hope that compilation shouldn't present too many problems.

With luck only the following steps should be required:

  1. Untar the tar file
    Put the tar file in the directory where you want the Shell files; the rest of this documentation will assume that this is done in a directory called shell. Then run tar with extract flags:
    mkdir shell
    cp shell.tar shell
    cd shell
    tar xvf shell.tar

    This will unpack the files into three directories: source code in shell/src, executables (Shell binary after compilation, and utility programs) in shell/bin  and documentation in shell/doc.
  2. Edit the makefile
    Change directory to shell/src and edit makefile. Hopefully this should just be a matter of identifying a block of lines appropriate for the system in question and uncommenting them (removing the # characters from the start of the lines, as well as commenting out any uncommented block which does not apply). Changing the optimisation flags can obviously make a big difference to speed.
    The code makes use of one NAG routine, for the NAG optimisation method, if the NAG FORTRAN 77 libraries are available. The makefile should be modified as per the comments according to whether this is the case or not. If the NAG libraries are not available it just means that this optimisation method cannot be used, which isn't a major disadvantage (see section 4.4.1).
    It may be necessary to check the documentation for your local system to get the code working optimally.
  3. Edit header files
    Edit paramete.h in directory shell/src to set MAXNSL to the maximum number of particles (cores plus shells) in a unit cell which the code will be used to consider. This will allocate something like 1.6 × MAXNSL2 kilobytes of RAM in arrays. If a dynamic gradient is being calculated, most of this will need to be resident at the same time (or page thrashing will result). The effect of using a larger value of MAXNSL than required for a given run will depend on the details of the system in question.
    In the event that you want to use values of physical constants other than the CODATA 1986 values, you can edit physical.h as well.
  4. Run make
    In shell/src run make. This will build the executable shell/src/shell and also a symbolic link to it from shell/bin/shell if that file does not already exist, so that adding shell/bin to your path will grant access to the executable as well as the utilities.
  5. Set perl path in utility files if neccesary
    The utility scripts in shell/bin all start with a line something like #!/usr/bin/perl. If that is the path to Perl 5 on your system then no further action is required (perl -v will tell you the version number). If you have Perl 5 but it exists in a different place, then each of these lines must be replaced by the correct path. You can do this by setting the PERL5= line in shell/src/makefile to the correct path and running make utils (or just run make utils PERL5=<path>).
    If you don't have Perl 5 then either install it4, or resign yourself to not using the scripts. In fact a full installation of Perl is not required , none of the external modules are used by these scripts, so simply having the Perl binary is sufficient.

The executable Shell can of course be remade at a later date, either with modified source code or with a different value of MAXNSL or the physical constants, simply by performing steps 3 and 4 again.

7.2  Binary distribution

The tar file contains documentation and Shell executables compiled for the target system. All that is required is to unpack the tar file in the directory where you want the Shell files; the rest of this documentation assumes that this is done in a directory called shell. Create and enter such a directory and run tar with extract flags:

mkdir shell
cp binshell.tar shell
cd shell
tar xvf shell.tar

This will unpack the files into two directories: executables (Shell binaries and utility programs) in shell/bin  and documentation in shell/doc. In shell/bin are some executable files called shell.n ; each is compiled with the parameter MAXNSL equal to n. MAXNSL is the largest number of particles (cores + shells) per unit cell which that instance of the code can consider. Runs should be done using the smallest value of n which is large enough for the unit cell under consideration (an error is generated if you try to use n too small).

If one system size is always used you might want to make a symbolic link

cd shell/bin
ln -s shell.32 ./shell
If none of the shell.n executables is appropriate then apply to whoever has the source distribution to compile you another one.

If the Perl scripts fail because Perl 5 is not installed in the right place you might need to perform step 5 in section 7.1.

8.  References

This document is a manual for use of the program Shell and does not seek to give details of the theory used. The following documents provide some of this background.

Other papers, including several using Shell for particular applications, can be found on the Shell WWW page


1 This parameter is sometimes called G.

2 There is a list of available VRML viewers at

3 Gnuplot is a freely available command-driven plotting program available for many platforms. The official distribution site is

4 Source for Perl 5 can be found at

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