School of Chemistry
Booker-Milburn Group



Dr. Katie Maskill


Katie obtained her PhD in March 2015 after working on the photochemistry of pyrroles forming tricyclic aziridines. She obtained an undergraduate degree at the University of York, with her fourth year spent in industry at AstraZeneca, Alderley Park. After completing a year with the Bristol Chemical Synthesis DTC , she joined the Booker-Milburn group in June 2011 and is now working on a novel photochemical reaction of substituted pyrroles. Outside the lab Katie enjoys travelling, live music and socialising with friends.

MChem with a year in industry, University of York, 2006-2010.

Current Position:
Process Chemist. AstraZeneca, Macclesfield.

Year in industry in medicinal chemistry at AstraZeneca.

Food and Drink, Music, Travelling.

Complexity from Simplicity: Tricyclic Aziridines from the Rearrangement of Pyrroles by Batch and Flow Photochemistry; Katie G. Maskill, Jonathan P. Knowles, Luke D. Elliott, Roger W. Alder, Kevin I. Booker-Milburn Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013. DOI.

Batch versus Flow Photochemistry: A Revealing Comparison of Yield and Productivity; Dr. Luke D. Elliott, Dr. Jonathan P. Knowles, Dr. Paul J. Koovits, Katie G. Maskill, Michael J. Ralph, Dr. Guillaume Lejeune, Lee J. Edwards, Richard I. Robinson, Ian R. Clemens, Brian Cox, David D. Pascoe, Guido Koch, Martin Eberle, Malcolm B. Berry and Prof. Kevin I. Booker-Milburn Chem. Eur. J. 2014. DOI.

