Murphy's laws come into the bad parts of the 2nd law. His laws do not get as serious as death but there are at least 5000 illnesses, diseases "things that can go wrong" with our bodies, which is Murphy's law. So Murphy's law shows that as for the 2nd law things in the real world do go from bad to worse, and it's scientific too!. Murphy's law is very important to real life, all that has to happen for the energy to diffuse from an object is a little energy push ---- a spark/flame etc ---- the activation energy ( as mentioned before ) ACTIVATION ENERGY eg burning paper. Now we know that all kinds of problems from plane crashes and car crashes to lightning to tornadoes and fires are related by the 2nd law of thermodynamics and are all Murphy problems. Some entropy processes do not occur as for Murphy predictions. This is usually through breakage, where concentrated energy outside is effected, not inside as usual. To break something the right kind of energy is required. When breakage occurs the chemical energy content does not change (net) so it is deemed a physical process. Bonds are broken but on a scale of things not very many. PAGE 2