Papers Published in Refereed Journals, Magazines or Books
The abstracts of these papers can be seen by clicking on the appropriate links. For most papers, the entire paper is available in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. These can be obtained by clicking on the icon. Note: pdf files can be large (200 kB or more).
- P.W. May, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser, N.M. Everitt and C.G. Trevor "Diamond Deposition in a Hot Filament Reactor Using Different Hydrocarbon Precursor Gases", Appl. Surf. Sci., 68 (1993) 299-35.
- P.W. May, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser and N.M. Everitt, "CVD Diamond Films Produced in a Parallel-Plate RF Reactor", Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Diamond Mater., Honolulu, Hawaii, 1993, Proceedings Volume PV 93-17, edited by J.P. Dismukes and K.V. Ravi (Electrochem. Soc, Pennington, NJ), pp448-454.
- P.W. May, C.A. Rego, R.G. Thomas, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser, P.G. Partridge and N.M. Everitt, "Preparation of CVD Diamond Wires, Fibres and Tubes", Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Diamond Mater., Honolulu, Hawaii, 1993, Proceedings Volume PV 93-17, edited by J.P. Dismukes and K.V. Ravi (Electrochem. Soc, Pennington, NJ), pp1036-1041.
- N.M. Everitt, A.M. Cock, P.W. May and K.N. Rosser, "Hardness Testing of Diamond and Diamond-like Carbon Films", Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Diamond Mater., Honolulu, Hawaii, 1993, Proceedings Volume PV 93-17, edited by J.P. Dismukes and K.V. Ravi (Electrochem. Soc, Pennington, NJ), pp955-961.
- M.N.R. Ashfold, P.W. May, C.A. Rego, N.M. Everitt, "Thin Film Diamond by Chemical Vapour Deposition Methods", Chem. Soc. Rev., 23 (1994) 21-30.
- P.W. May, C.A. Rego, R.M. Thomas, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser, P.G. Partridge and N.M. Everitt, "Preparation of Solid and Hollow Diamond Fibres and the Potential for Diamond Fibre Metal Matrix Composites", J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 13 (1994) 247-9.
- P.W. May, C.A. Rego, R.M. Thomas, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser and N.M. Everitt, "CVD Diamond Wires and Tubes", Diamond Rel. Mater., 3 (1994) 810-813.
- C.A. Rego, P.W. May, E.C. Williamson, M.N.R. Ashfold, Q.S. Chia, K.N. Rosser and N.M. Everitt, "CVD Diamond Growth on Germanium for Infra-Red Window Applications", Diamond Rel. Mater., 3 (1994) 939-941.
- A.M. Cock, N.M. Everitt, P.W. May, C.A. Rego, M.N.R. Ashfold and K.N. Rosser, "Comparison of Two Models of Thin Diamond Microhardness Data to Predict the Hardness of CVD Diamond", Diamond Rel. Mater., 3 (1994) 783.
- P.G. Partridge, P.W. May and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Chemical Vapour Deposited Diamond Fibres: Manufacture and Potential Properties", Mater. Sci. Technol., 10 (1994) 177-189.
- P.W. May, C.A. Rego, C.G. Trevor, E.C. Williamson, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser and N.M. Everitt, "Deposition of Diamond Films on Sapphire: Studies of Interfacial Properties and Patterning Techniques", Diamond Rel. Mater. 3 (1994) 1375.
- C.A. Rego, P.W. May, C.R. Henderson, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser and N.M. Everitt, "Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometric Study of the Spatial Distribution of Gas-Phase Species Involved in the Growth of HFCVD Diamond Films", in Advances in New Diamond Science and Technology , part of the Proc. 4th Int. Conf. New Diamond Sci. Technol., Kobe, Japan, July 1994, (MYU, Tokyo, 1994), pp485-488.
- P.W. May, C.A. Rego, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser, N.M. Everitt, P.G. Partridge, Q.S. Chia, G. Lu, "The Production of CVD Diamond-Coated Wires and Free-Standing Diamond Tubes", in Advances in New Diamond Science and Technology as part of the Proc. 4th Int. Conf. New Diamond Sci. Technol., Kobe, Japan, July 1994, (MYU, Tokyo, 1994), pp211-214.
- N.M. Everitt, R. Silva, J. Vieira, C.A. Rego, C.R. Henderson, P.W. May and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Analysis of Hot Filament CVD Diamond Films on Etched and Unetched WC-Co Surfaces", in Advances in New Diamond Science and Technology as part of the Proc. 4th Int. Conf. New Diamond Sci. Technol., Kobe, Japan, July 1994, (MYU, Tokyo, 1994), pp787-790.
- P.G. Partridge, P.W. May, C.A. Rego and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Potential for Diamond Fibres and Diamond Fibre Composites", Mater. Sci. Technol., 10 (1994) 505-512.
- Q.S. Chia, C.M. Younes, P.G. Partridge, G.C. Allen, P.W. May and C.A. Rego, "Auger Electron Spectroscopic Analysis of Chemical Vapour Deposited Diamond/Substrate Interfaces", J. Mater. Sci. 29 (1994) 6397-6402.
- P.W. May, C.A. Rego, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser, G. Lu, T.D. Walsh, L. Holt, N.M. Everitt and P.G. Partridge, "CVD Diamond-Coated Fibres", Diamond Rel. Mater., 4 (1995) 794-797, part of the Proc. Diamond Films '94, Italy, Sept. 1994.
- C.A. Rego, P.W. May, C.R. Henderson, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser and N.M. Everitt, "In-situ Mass Spectrometric Study of the Gas-Phase Species Involved in CVD of Diamond as a Function of Filament Temperature", Diamond Rel. Mater. 4, (1995) 770-774, part of the Proc. Diamond Films '94, Italy, Sept. 1994.
- N.M. Everitt, R. Silva, J. Vieira, C.A. Rego, C.R. Henderson and P.W. May, "Friction Measurements on Hot Filament CVD Diamond Films deposited on Etched Tungsten Carbide Surfaces", Diamond Rel. Mater. 4, (1995) 730-734, part of the Proc. Diamond Films '94, Italy, Sept. 1994.
- P.G. Partridge, G. Lu, P. May and J.W. Steeds, "Potential High-Strength High Thermal Conductivity Metal-Matrix Composites Based On Diamond Fibres", Diamond Rel. Mater. 4, (1995) 848-851, part of the Proc. Diamond Films '94, Italy, Sept. 1994.
- P.W. May, "CVD Diamond - A New Technology for the Future?", Endeavour, 19(3) (1995), 101-106 (Elsevier, Oxford, U.K.)
- M.N.R. Ashfold, P.W. May, E.D. Nicholson, P.G. Partridge, G. Meaden, A. Wisbey and M.J. Wood, "The Potential for Diamond Fibre Composites", Applications of Diamond Films and Related Materials: 3rd Int. Conf. 1995, Editors: A. Feldman, Y. Tzeng, W.A. Yarbrough and M. Murakawa (NIST Special Publication 885, Washington 1995), pp529-531.
- P.G. Partridge, M.N.R. Ashfold, P.W. May and E.D. Nicholson, "The Effective Chemical Vapour Deposition Rate of Diamond", J. Mater. Sci., 30 (1995) 3973-3982.
- G.H. Lu, P.G. Partridge and P.W. May, "A Technique for the Manufacture of Long Hollow Diamond Fibres by Chemical Vapour Deposition", J. Mater. Sci. Lett., 14 (1995) 1448-1450.
- W.N. Wang, N.A. Fox, P.W. May, M.P. Knapper, G. Meaden, P.G. Partridge, M.N.R. Ashfold, J.W. Steeds, L.P. Hayward and G.D. Pitt "Laser Raman Studies of Polycrystalline and Amorphic Diamond Films", Phys. Stat. Sol., 154 (1995) 255. Also appears in ‘Diamond Thin Films’ (Akademie Verlag, Berlin 1996, edited by J.I.B. Wilson and W. Kulisch), p255.
- E.D Nicholson, J.E Field, P.G Partridge, M.N.R. Ashfold, "The Mechanical Properties of Diamond Films, and Diamond-Coated Fibres and Wires", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 383 (1996) 101-113.
- N.M. Everitt, R.A. Shatwell, E. Kalaugher and E.D. Nicholson, "Mechanical Properties of Diamond Fibres", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 383(1996) 379-384.
- C.A. Rego, R.S. Tsang, P.W. May, M.N.R. Ashfold and K.N. Rosser "Gas-Phase Composition Measurements during Chlorine assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition of Diamond: A Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometric Study", J. Appl. Phys., 79 (1996) 7264-73.
- R.S. Tsang, C.A. Rego, P.W. May, J. Thumim, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser, C.M. Younes and M.J. Holt, "Gas-Phase Concentration Measurements and Diamond Film Composition from Chlorine Assisted CVD", Diamond Rel. Mater. 5 (1996) 359, as part of the Proc. Diamond Films '95, Barcelona, 1995.
- P.W. May, P.R. Burridge, C.A. Rego, R.S. Tsang, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.N. Rosser, R.E. Tanner, D. Cherns and R. Vincent, "Investigation of the Addition of Nitrogen-Containing Gases to a Hot Filament Diamond CVD Reactor", Diamond Rel. Mater. 5 (1996) 354, as part of the Proc. Diamond Films '95, Barcelona, 1995.
- G. Meaden, P. G. Partridge, M.N.R Ashfold, E.D Nicholson, A Wisbey, "Laser Cutting of Diamond Fibres and Diamond Fibre / Titanium Metal Matrix Composites", Diamond Rel. Mater. 5 (1996) 825, as part of the Proc. Diamond Films '95, Barcelona, 1995.
- E.D Nicholson, T.W. Baker, S.A. Redman, E. Kalaugher, K.N. Rosser, N.M. Everitt, M.N.R. Ashfold and P.G. Partridge, "Young's modulus of diamond-coated fibres and wires", Diamond Rel. Mater. 5 (1996) 658, as part of the Proc. Diamond Films '95, Barcelona, 1995.
- G. Meaden, P.G. Partridge, M.N.R. Ashfold, E.D. Nicholson and A. Wisbey, "Laser Ablation of diamond fibres and a Diamond Fibre Metal Matrix Composite", J. Mater. Sci., 31 (1996) 2801-2805.
- E.D. Nicholson, G. Meaden, E. Kalaugher, P.G. Partridge, M.N.R. Ashfold, P.W. May and A. Wisbey, "Continuous Diamond Fibres and Diamond Fibre-Reinforced Composites", Diamond Films and Technology, 6 (1996) 217.
- N.A. Fox, S. Mary, T.J. Davis, W.N. Wang, P.W. May, A. Bewick, J.W. Steeds and J.E Butler, "Field Emission Studies of Boron-Doped CVD Diamond Films following Surface Treatments", Diamond Rel. Mater. 6 (1997) 1135-42, as part of the Proc. Diamond Films '96, Tours, 1996.
- S.E. Johnson, M.N.R. Ashfold, M.P. Knapper, R.J. Lade, K.N. Rosser, N.A. Fox and W.N. Wang, "Production and Characterisation of Amorphic Diamond Films Produced by Laser Ablation of Graphite", Diamond Rel. Mater. 6 (1997) 569, part of the Proc. Diamond Films '96, Tours, 1996.
- C.A. Brookes, L. (Grace). Zhang and P.W. May, "On the Mechanical Integrity Ratio of Diamond Coatings", Diamond Rel. Mater. 6 (1997) 348, part of the Proc. Diamond Films '96, Tours, 1996.
- P.W. May, K.N. Rosser, N.A. Fox, C.M. Younes and G. Beardmore, "Deposition of CVD Diamond onto Boron Carbide Substrates", Diamond Relat. Mater. 6(1997) 450, part of Diamond Films '96, Tours, France, Sept. 1996.
- R.S. Tsang, C.A. Rego, P.W.May, M.N.R. Ashfold and K.N. Rosser, "Examination of the effects of nitrogen on the CVD diamond growth mechanism using in-situ molecular beam mass spectrometry", Diamond Relat. Mater. 6 (1997) 247, part of Diamond Films '96, Tours, France, Sept. 1996.
- E.D. Nicholson, J.R. Weeks and M.N.R. Ashfold "The Effect of varying Deposition Conditions on the Young's Modulus of Diamond-Coated Wires", Diamond Relat. Mater. 6 (1997) 817, part of Diamond Films '96, Tours, France, Sept. 1996.
- G. Meaden, P.G. Partridge, E.D. Nicholson, J. Nicholson, A. Wisbey and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Diamond-Fibre Metal Matrix Composites", Diamond Relat. Mater. 6 (1997) 898, part of Diamond Films '96, Tours, France, Sept. 1996.
- E. Kalaugher, N.M. Everitt and E.D. Nicholson "Factors Affecting the Fracture Strength and Young's Modulus of CVD Diamond-Coated Fibres", Diamond Relat. Mater. 6 (1997) 826, part of Diamond Films '96, Tours, France, Sept. 1996.
- P.G. Partridge, A. Fookes, E.D. Nicholson, T. Pearce and G. Meaden "Nanoscale Grinding of Ceramics using Diamond Fibres", Diamond Relat. Mater. 6 (1997) 893, part of Diamond Films '96, Tours, France, Sept. 1996.
- M.N.R. Ashfold and P.W. May, "Diamond Chemical Vapour Deposition", Chemistry and Industry (London), 13 (7th July 1997) 505-8.
- N.A. Fox, W.N. Wang, T.J. Davis, J.W. Steeds and P.W. May, "Field Emission Properties of Diamond Films of Different Qualities", Appl. Phys. Lett., 71 (1997) 2337-39.
- S.M. Leeds, T.J. Davis, P.W. May, C.D.O. Pickard and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Use of Different Excitation Wavelengths for the Analysis of CVD Diamond by Laser Raman Spectroscopy", Diamond Relat. Maters. 7 (1998) 233-237.
- P.W. May, J.C. Stone, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.R. Hallam, W.N. Wang and N.A. Fox, "The Effect of Diamond Surface Termination Species upon Field Emission Properties", Diamond Relat. Maters. 7 (1998) 671-676.
- R.J. Lade, D.J. Munns, S.E. Johnson, P.W. May, K.N. Rosser and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Investigation of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon (a-C:H) Films Produced by ArF (193 nm) Laser Ablation of Poly(Methyl Methacrylate)", Diamond Relat. Maters. 7 (1998) 699-703.
- P.W. May, S. Höhn, W.N. Wang and N.A. Fox, "Field Emission Conduction Mechanisms in Chemical Vapour Deposited Diamond and Diamondlike Carbon Films", Appl. Phys. Letts. 72 (1998) 2182-4.
- P.W. May, S. Höhn, M.N.R. Ashfold, W.N. Wang, N.A. Fox, T.J. Davis and J.W. Steeds "Field Emission from Chemical Vapor Deposited Diamond and Diamond-like Carbon Films: Investigations of Surface Damage and Conduction Mechanisms", J. Appl. Phys. 84 (1998) 1618-1625.
- P.W. May, S. Höhn, M.N.R. Ashfold, W.N. Wang, N.A. Fox, T.J. Davis and J.W. Steeds "Investigations of Surface Damage and Conduction Mechanisms During Field Emission from CVD Diamond and DLC Films", Diamond Films and Technol. 8 (1998) 237-247, and in the Proceedings from ISDED-2, Osaka, Japan, March 1998, Recent Progress in Diamond Electronics, ed. T. Ito (MYU, Tokyo, 1998) 157-167.
- R.S. Tsang, P.W. May, M.N.R. Ashfold and K.N. Rosser, "Influence of Phosphine on the Diamond Growth Mechanism: a Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometric Investigation", Diam. Relat. Mater. 7 (1998) 1651, as part of Diamond Films '97, Edinburgh, August 1997.
- R.S. Tsang, P.W. May, J. Cole and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Simulations of the Hot Filament Diamond CVD Gas Phase Environment: Direct Comparison with Experimental Measurements", Diam. Relat. Mater. 8 (1998) 1388-92, as part of ICNDST-6, Pretoria, South Africa, August 1998.
- P.W. May, M-T. Kuo and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Field Emission Conduction Mechanisms in Chemical Vapour Deposited Diamond and Diamondlike Carbon Films", Diam. Relat. Mater 8 (1999) 1490-5, as part of the proceedings from ICNDST-6, Pretoria, South Africa, August 1998.
- S.M. Leeds, P.W. May, E. Bartlett, M.N.R. Ashfold, and K.N. Rosser, "Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry studies of the gas phase chemistry occurring during Microwave Plasma assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition of Diamond", Diam. Relat. Mater, 8 (1999) 1377-82, as part of the proceedings from ICNDST-6, Pretoria, South Africa, August 1998.
- S.A. Redman, C. Chung and M.N.R. Ashfold, "H atom production in a hot filament chemical vapour deposition reactor", Diam. Relat. Mater, 8 (1999) 1383-87, as part of the proceedings from ICNDST-6, Pretoria, South Africa, August 1998.
- R.J. Lade, I.W. Morley, P.W. May, K.N. Rosser and M.N.R. Ashfold, "ArF (193nm) laser ablation of poly(methyl methacrylate)", Diam. Relat. Mater, 8 (1999) 1654-58, as part of the proceedings from ICNDST-6, Pretoria, South Africa, August 1998.
- R.J. Lade, F. Claeyssens, K.N. Rosser, M.N.R. Ashfold, "193-nm laser ablation of CVD diamond and graphite in vacuum: plume analysis and film properties", Appl. Phys. A, 69 [Suppl.] (1999) S935–S939.
- R.S. Tsang, P.W. May and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Modelling of the Gas Phase Chemistry During Diamond CVD: The Role of Different Hydrocarbon Species", Diam. Relat. Mater, 8 (1999) 242-245, part of the proceedings from Diamond 98, Crete, Greece, September 1998.
- S.M. Leeds, P.W. May, M.N.R. Ashfold and K.N. Rosser, "Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry studies of Nitrogen additions to the gas phase during Microwave Plasma Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition of Diamond", Diam. Relat. Mater, 8 (1999) 226-230, part of the proceedings from Diamond 98, Crete, Greece, September 1998.
- N.P. Smith, M.N.R. Ashfold, D.J. Smith and T.R.A. Pearce, "Manufacture and Performance of Diamond-Coated Thermocouples", Diam. Relat. Mater, 8 (1999) 956-960, part of the proceedings from Diamond 98, Crete, Greece, September 1998.
- P.W. May, S.H. Ashworth, C.D.O. Pickard, M.N.R. Ashfold, T. Peakman and J.W. Steeds, "Interactive Raman spectra of adamantane, diamantane and diamond, and their relevance to diamond film deposition", PhysChemComm. 1 (1998) paper 4.
- A.J. Eccles, T.A. Steele, A. Afzal, C.A. Rego, W. Ahmed, P.W. May and S.M. Leeds, "Influence of B- and N-doping Levels on the Quality and Morphology of CVD Diamond" Thin Solid Films, 343-344 (1999) 627-631.
- S.A. Redman, C. Chung, K.N. Rosser and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionisation Probing of H Atoms in a Hot Filament CVD Reactor" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 1 (1999) 1415-1424.
- J.A. Smith, M.A. Cook, S.R. Langford, S.A. Redman and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization probing of H atoms and CH3 radicals in a hot filament chemical vapour deposition reactor" Thin Solid Films 368 (2000) 169-175.
- M.T. Kuo, P.W. May, A. Gunn, J.C. Marshall, M.N.R. Ashfold and K.N. Rosser, "Field Emission Studies of Nitrogen-Doped Diamond-like Carbon Films Deposited using CH4/N2/Ne and CH4/NH3/Ne RF Plasmas" Int. J. Mod. Phys. B: Condensed Matter Phys. 14 (2000) 295-300, part of the proceedings from SMAC-2, Singapore, July 1999.
- M.A. Elliott, P.W. May, J. Petherbridge, S.M. Leeds and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Optical Emission Spectroscopic Studies of Microwave Enhanced Diamond CVD using CH4/CO2 Plasmas" Diam. Relat. Mater, 9 (2000) 311-316, as part of the proceedings from Diamond 99, Prague, September 1999.
- M-T. Kuo, P.W. May, A. Gunn, M.N.R. Ashfold and R.K. Wild, "Studies of Phosphorus Doped Diamond-like Carbon Films" Diam. Relat. Mater, 9 (2000) 1222-1227, part of the proceedings from Diamond 99, Prague, September 1999.
- M.N. Latto, D.J. Riley and P.W. May, "Impedance Studies of Boron Doped CVD Diamond Electrodes" Diam. Relat. Mater, 9 (2000) 1181-1183, part of the proceedings from Diamond 99, Prague, September 1999.
- N.A. Fox, M.J. Youh, W.N. Wang, J.W. Steeds, H-F. Cheng, I-N. Lin, "Impedance Studies of Boron Doped CVD Diamond Electrodes" Diam. Relat. Mater, 9 (2000) 1263-1269.
- D. Briand, P. Iacconi, M. Benabdesselam, D. Lapraz, R. Bindi, P.W. May, C.A. Rego and A. Afzal, "Thermally Stimulated Exoelectronic Emission of CVD Diamond Films" Thin Solid Films, 359 (2000) 150-53.
- D. Briand, P. Iacconi, M. Benabdesselam, D. Lapraz, P.W. May and C.A. Rego, "Thermally Stimulated Properties of CVD Diamond Films" Diam. Relat. Maters, 9 (2000) 1245-1248, part of the proceedings from Diamond 99, Prague, September 1999.
- P.W. May, "Diamond Thin Films: A 21st Century Material" Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A, 358 (2000) 473-495.
- F. Claeyssens, R.J. Lade, K.N. Rosser and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Investigations of the plume accompanying pulsed ultraviolet laser ablation of graphite in vacuum" J. Appl. Phys, 89 (2001) 697-709.
- J.R. Petherbridge, P.W. May, S.R.J. Pearce, K.N. Rosser and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Low temperature diamond growth using CO2/CH4 plasmas: molecular beam mass spectrometry and computer simulation investigations" J. Appl. Phys, 89 (2001) 1484-1492.
- J.R. Petherbridge, P.W. May and M.N.R. Ashfold , "Modeling of the gas-phase chemistry in C-H-O gas mixtures for diamond Chemical Vapor Deposition" J. Appl. Phys., 89 (2001) 5219-23.
- J.A. Smith, E. Cameron, M.N.R. Ashfold, Y.A. Mankelevich and N.V. Suetin, "On the mechanism of CH3 radical formation in hot filament activated CH4/H2 and C2H2/H2 gas mixtures". Diam. Relat. Mater, 10 (2001) 358-363, part of the Proceedings from Diamond 2000, Oporto, Portugal, Sept 2000.
- J. Petherbridge, P.W. May, S.R.J. Pearce, K.N. Rosser and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Molecular beam mass spectrometry investigations of low temperature diamond growth using CO2/CH4 plasmas", Diam. Relat. Mater, 10 (2001) 393-398, part of proceedings from Diamond 2000, Oporto, Portugal, Sept 2000.
- Yu. A. Mankelevich, N.V.Suetin, M.N.R. Ashfold, J.A. Smith and E. Cameron, "Experimental data versus 3-D model calculations of HFCVD processes: Correlations and discrepancies" Diam. Relat. Mater, 10 (2001) 364-369, part of the proceedings of Diamond 2000, Oporto, Portugal, Sept 2000.
- J.A. Smith, K.N. Rosser, H. Yagi, M.I. Wallace, P.W. May and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Diamond deposition in a DC-arc Jet CVD system: Investigations of the effects of nitrogen addition" Diam. Relat. Mater, 10 (2001) 370-375, as part of the proceedings of Diamond 2000, Oporto, Portugal, Sept 2000.
- M-T. Kuo, P.W. May and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Field Emission studies of low temperature thermal-annealling of nitrogen-doped hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H:N) films", Diam. Relat. Mater, 10 (2001) 889-894, part of the proceedings of Diamond 2000, Oporto, Portugal, Sept 2000.
- M.N.R. Ashfold, P.W. May, J.R. Petherbridge, K.N. Rosser, J.A. Smith, Y.A. Mankelevich and N.V. Suetin, "Unravelling aspects of the gas phase chemistry involved in diamond chemical vapour deposition", Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 3 (2001) 3471-3485.
- M. Alexander, M.N. Latto, G. Pastor-Moreno and D.J. Riley, "The Influence of Surface Termination on the Electrochemical Properties of Boron-doped Diamond", Proc. 7th Int. Symp. Diam. Maters., PV 2001-25 (2001) pp.54-65 (Electrochem. Soc., Pennington, New Jersey, USA), eds. G.M. Swain, J.L. Davidson, J.C. Angus, T. Ando and W.D. Brown.
- G. Pastor-Moreno and D.J. Riley, "Electrochemical Studies of Moderately Boron Doped Polycrystalline Diamond in Non-Aqueous Solvent", Electrochimica Acta., 47 (2002) 2589-95.
- G. Pastor-Moreno and D.J. Riley, "The influence of surface preparation on the electrochemistry of boron doped diamond: A study of the reduction of 1,4-benzoquinone in acetonitrile", Electrochem. Comm., 4 (2002) 218-221.
- J.R. Petherbridge, P.W. May, G.M. Fuge, G.F. Robertson, K.N. Rosser and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Sulfur doping of diamond films: spectroscopic, electronic and gas-phase studies", J. Appl. Phys. 91 (2002) 3605-3613.
- J.A. Smith, J.B. Wills, H.S. Moores, A.J. Orr-Ewing, Y.A. Mankelevich and N.V. Suetin, "Effects of NH3 and N2 additions to hot filament activated CH4/H2 gas mixtures", J. Appl. Phys. 92 (2002) 672-681.
- J.R. Petherbridge, P.W. May, G.M. Fuge, K.N. Rosser and M.N.R. Ashfold, "In situ plasma diagnostics of the chemistry behind sulfur doping of CVD diamond films", Diam. Relat. Maters. 11 (2002) 301-306, as part of the Proceedings of Diamond 2001, Budapest, Hungary, 2001.
- Yu.A.Mankelevich, N.V.Suetin, J.A.Smith, M.N.R.Ashfold, "Investigations of the gas phase chemistry in a hot filament CVD reactor operating with CH4/N2/H2 and CH4/NH3/H2 gas mixtures", Diam. Relat. Maters. 11 (2002) 567-572, as part of the Proceedings of Diamond 2001, Budapest, Hungary, 2001.
- S.R.J. Pearce, P.W. May, R.K. Wild, K.R. Hallam and P.J. Heard, "Deposition and properties of amorphous carbon phosphide films", Diam. Relat. Maters. 11 (2002) 1041-46, as part of the Proceedings of Diamond 2001, Budapest, Hungary, 2001.
- M.T. Kuo, P.W. May and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Field emission site density study of hydrogen-free amorphous carbon films", Diam. Relat. Maters. 11 (2002) 1422-28.
- P.W. May, M. Hall and D. Smith, "Diamond Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composites", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. Cond. Matter, 16, (2002) 906-11, presented at ICMAT Singapore, July 2001.
- J.R. Petherbridge, P.W. May, E.J. Crichton, K.N. Rosser and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Sulphur addition to microwave activated CH4/CO2 gas mixtures used for diamond CVD: growth studies and gas phase investigations", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 4 (2002) 5199-5206.
- F. Claeyssens, N.L. Allan, P.W. May, P. Ordejon and J.P. Oliva, "Solid Phosphorus Carbide?", Chem. Comm. 21 (2002) 2494-2495.
- J. Filik, P.W. May, S.R.J. Pearce, R.K. Wild, and K.R. Hallam, "XPS and laser Raman analysis of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films", Diam. Relat. Maters. 12 (2003) 974-78, part of Proc. Diamond 2002, September 2002, Granada, Spain.
- S.R.J. Pearce, J. Filik, P.W. May, R.K. Wild, K.R. Hallam and P.J. Heard, "The effect of ion energy on the deposition of amorphous carbon phosphide films", Diam. Relat. Maters. 12 (2003) 979-82, part of Proc. Diamond 2002, September 2002, Granada, Spain.
- G.M. Fuge, C.J. Rennick, S.R.J. Pearce, P.W. May and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Structural characterisation of CNx thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation", Diam. Relat. Maters. 12 (2003) 1049-54, part of Proc. Diamond 2002, September 2002, Granada, Spain.
- Yu.A. Mankelevich, N.V. Suetin, M.N.R. Ashfold, W.E. Boxford, A.J. Orr-Ewing, J.A. Smith and J.B. Wills, "Chemical kinetics in carbon depositing d.c.-arc jet CVD reactors", Diam. Relat. Maters. 12 (2003) 383-90, part of Proc. Diamond 2002, September 2002, Granada, Spain.
- J.E.P. Dahl, J.M. Moldowan, T.M. Peakman, J.C. Clardy, E. Lobkovsky, M.M. Olmstead, P.W. May, T.J. Davis, J.W. Steeds, K.E. Peters, A. Pepper, A. Ekuan and R.M.K. Carlson, "Isolation and Structural Proof of the Large Diamond Molecule, Cyclohexamantane (C26H30)", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.. 42 (2003) 2040–44.
- J.B. Wills, M.N.R. Ashfold, A.J. Orr-Ewing, Y.A. Mankelevich and N.V. Suetin, "Number density and temperature of acetylene in hot-filament and arc-jet activated CH4/H2 gas mixtures measured using diode laser cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy", Diam. Relat. Maters. 12 (2003) 1346-1356.
- F. Claeyssens, J.M. Oliva, P.W. May and N.L. Allan, "Binary phosphorus-carbon compounds: the series P4C3+8n", Int. J. Quantum Chem., 95 (2003) 546-53, part of the Sanibel Symposium '03.
- M.S. Alexander, M.N. Latto, P.W. May, D.J. Riley and G. Pastor-Moreno, "A simple route to Ohmic contacts on low boron-doped CVD diamond", Diam. Relat. Maters, 12 (2003) 1460-1462.
- J.R. Petherbridge, P.W. May , D.E. Shallcross, J.N. Harvey, G.M. Fuge, K.N. Rosser and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Simulation of H-C-S containing gas mixtures relevant to diamond chemical vapour deposition", Diam. Relat. Maters. 12 (2003) 2178-2185.
- P.J.C. Wigg, P.W. May and D. Smith, "Stiffness Measurements of Diamond Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composites", Diam. Relat. Maters. 12 (2003) 1766-70, as part of Proc. ICNDST-8, Melbourne, Australia, 21-26th July 2002.
- J.R. Petherbridge, P.W. May, M. Baines, D. Cherns, "Observations of nanotube and 'celery' structures following diamond CVD on single crystal diamond substrates", Diam. Relat. Maters. 12 (2003) 1858-61, as part of Proc. ICNDST-8, Melbourne, Australia, 21-26th July 2002.
- M.N.R. Ashfold , F. Claeyssens , G.M. Fuge and S.J. Henley, "Pulsed laser ablation and deposition of thin films", Chem. Soc. Rev., 33 (2004) 23-31.
- M.N. Latto, G. Pastor-Moreno, D.J. Riley, "The Influence of Doping Levels and Surface Termination on the Electrochemistry of Polycrystalline Diamond", Electroanal., 16 (2004) 434-441.
- C.J. Rennick , A.G. Smith, J.A. Smith , J.B. Wills, A.J. Orr-Ewing , M.N.R. Ashfold, Yu.A. Mankelevich, N.V. Suetin, "Improved characterisation of C2 and CH radical number density distributions in a DC arc jet used for diamond chemical vapour deposition", Diam. Relat. Maters., 13 (2004) 561-8, as part of Diamond 2003, Salzburg, Austria, Sept 2003.
- G. Chollon, R. Naslain, R. Shatwell, P.W. May., "High temperature properties of CVD-SiC and CVD-diamond monofilaments", Proc. CIMTEC 2002 - 3rd Forum on new Materials, 4th Int. Conf. "Advanced Inorganic Structural Fiber Composites" (P. Vincenzini, C. Badini, Eds., Techna Srl, 2003)
- S.R.J. Pearce, S.J. Henley, F. Claeyssens, P.W. May, K.R. Hallam, J.A. Smith, K.N. Rosser, "Production of nanocrystalline diamond by laser ablation at the solid/liquid interface", Diam. Relat. Maters. 13 (2004) 661-665, as part of Diamond 2003, Salzburg, Austria, September 2003.
- J. Filik, I.M. Lane, P.W. May, S.R.J. Pearce, K.R. Hallam, "Incorporation of Sulfur into Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films", Diam. Relat. Maters. 13 (2004) 1377-1384, as part of Diamond 2003, Salzburg, Austria, September 2003.
- G. M. Fuge, P. W. May, K. N. Rosser, S. R. J. Pearce, M. N. R. Ashfold, "Laser Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of phosphorus containing diamond-like carbon films grown by pulsed laser ablation methods", Diam. Relat. Maters. 13 (2004) 1442-48, as part of Diamond 2003, Salzburg, Austria, September 2003.
- F. Claeyssens, G.M. Fuge, N.L. Allan, P.W. May, S.R.J. Pearce and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Phosphorus carbide thin films: experiment and theory", Appl. Phys. A. 79 (2004) 1237-1241.
- F. Claeyssens, G.M. Fuge, N.L. Allan, P.W. May and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Phosphorus carbides: theory and experiment", Dalton Trans. (2004) 3085-3092.
- P.W. May, R. Portman, K.N. Rosser, "Thermal Conductivity of CVD Diamond Fibres and Diamond Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composites", Diam. Relat. Maters. 14 (2005) 598-603, as part of Diamond 2004, Riva del Garda, Italy, Sept 2004.
- C.J. Rennick, R. Engeln, J.A. Smith, A.J. Orr-Ewing, M.N.R. Ashfold, Yu.A. Mankelevich, "Measurement and modeling of a diamond deposition reactor: Hydrogen atom and electron number densities in an Ar/H2 arc jet discharge", J. Appl. Phys. 97 (2005) 113306-113315.
- J. Filik, "Raman Spectroscopy: a simple, non-destructive way to characterise diamond and diamond-like materials", Spectroscopy Europe. 17 (2005) 10-17. [Also republished in Spectroscopy Asia. 1 (2005) 8-13].
- A. Cheesman, J.N. Harvey and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Computational studies of elementary steps relating to boron doping during diamond chemical vapour deposition", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 7, (2005) 1121–1126.
- G. Chollon, R. Naslain, C. Prentice, R. Shatwell, P.W. May., "High temperature properties of SiC and diamond CVD-monofilaments", J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 25, (2005) 1929–1942.
- P.W. May, J.A. Smith, Yu. A. Mankelevich, "Deposition of NCD Films Using Hot Filament CVD and Ar/CH4/H2 Gas Mixtures", Diam. Relat. Maters. 15 (2006) 345-352, as part of ADC/NanoCarbon 2005, Argonne National Labs, Chicago, USA, 2005.
- G.M. Fuge, M.N.R. Ashfold, S.J. Henley, "Studies of the plume emission during the femtosecond and nanosecond ablation of graphite in nitrogen", J. Appl. Phys. 99 (2006) 014309 (pp.1-12).
- J. Filik, J.N. Harvey, N.L. Allan, P.W. May, J.E.P. Dahl, S. Liu, and R.M.K. Carlson, "Raman Spectroscopy of Diamondoids", Spectrochimica Acta A: Mol. Biomol. Spect. 64 (2006) 681-692.
- P.W. May, J.N. Harvey, J.A. Smith, Yu. A. Mankelevich, "Re-evaluation of the mechanism of ultrananocrystalline diamond deposition from Ar/CH4/H2 gas mixtures", J. Appl. Phys. 99 (2006) 104907.
- P.W. May, H.Y. Tsai, W.N. Wang and J.A. Smith, "Deposition of CVD Diamond onto GaN", Diam. Relat. Maters. 15 (2006) 526-530, as part of Diamond (2005), Toulouse, France.
- J. Filik, J.N. Harvey, N.L. Allan, P.W. May, J.E.P. Dahl, S. Liu, R.M.K. Carlson, "Raman spectroscopy of nanocrystalline diamond: An ab initio approach", Phys. Rev. B. 74 (2006) 035423 pp.1-10.
- N.C. Polfer, O. Pirali, Y. Ueno, R. Maboudian, P.W. May, J. Filik, J.E. Dahl, S. Liu, R.M.K. Carlson, "Infrared spectroscopic investigation of higher diamondoids", J. Mol. Spectr. 238 (2006) 158-167.
- D.W. Comerford, A. Cheesman, T.P.F. Carpenter, D.M.E. Davies, N.A. Fox, R.S. Sage, J.A. Smith, M.N.R. Ashfold, Yu.A. Mankelevich, "Experimental and Modeling Studies of B Atom Number Density Distributions in Hot Filament Activated B2H6/H2 and B2H6/CH4/H2 Gas Mixtures", J. Phys. Chem. A 110 (2006) 2868-2875.
- P.W. May, Yu. A. Mankelevich, "Experiment and modeling of the deposition of ultrananocrystalline diamond films using hot filament chemical vapor deposition and Ar/CH4/H2 gas mixtures: A generalized mechanism for ultrananocrystalline diamond growth", J. Appl. Phys. 100 (2006) 024301.
- A. Cheesman, J. A. Smith, M. N. R. Ashfold, N. Langford, S. Wright, G. Duxbury, "Application of a Quantum Cascade Laser for Time-Resolved, in Situ Probing of CH4/H2 and C2H2/H2 Gas Mixtures during Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor
Deposition of Diamond", J. Phys. Chem. A. 110 (2006) 2821-8.
- L. Yang, P.W. May, L. Yin, R. Brown, T. Scott, "Direct growth of highly organized crystalline carbon nitride from liquid phase pulsed laser ablation", Chem. Maters. 18 (2006) 5058-5064.
- L. Yang, P.W. May, L. Yin, T.B. Scott, J.A. Smith, K.N. Rosser, "Growth and characterization of self-assembled carbon nitride leaf-like nanostructures", Nanotechnology 17 (2006) 5798-5804.
- P.W. May, Yu. A. Mankelevich, "The Mechanism for Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Growth: Experimental and Theoretical Studies", Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. PV-956 (2006) 0956-J07-04 (part of the Proceedings of Symposium J of the Fall 2006 MRS meeting.
- Paul W. May and M. Hannaway, "Attempts to p-Dope Ultrananocrystalline Diamond Films in a Hot Filament Reactor", Mat. Res. Symp. Proc. PV-956 (2006) 0956-J09-31 (part of the Proceedings of Symposium J of the Fall 2006 MRS meeting.
- L. Yang, P.W. May, L. Yin, J.A. Smith, K.N. Rosser, "Ultra fine Carbon Nitride Nanocrystals Synthesized by Laser Ablation in Liquid Solution", J. Nanoparticle Res. 9 (2007) 1181-1185.
- P.W. May, M.N.R. Ashfold, Yu. A. Mankelevich, "Microcrystalline, nanocrystalline and ultrananocrystalline diamond chemical vapor deposition: Experiment and Modeling of the factors controlling growth rate, nucleation and crystal size", J. Appl. Phys. 101 (2007) 053115 pp.1-9.
- L. Yang, P.W. May, Y.Z. Huang and L. Yin, "Hierarchical architecture of self-assembled carbon nitride nanocrystals", J. Mater. Chem. 17 (2007) 1255-1257.
- L. Yang, P.W. May, L. Yin, J.A. Smith, K.N. Rosser, "Growth of diamond nanocrystals by pulsed laser ablation of graphite in liquid", Diamond Relat. Maters. 16 (2007) 725-729, as part of Diamond 2006, Portugal, Sept 2006.
- L. Yang, P.W. May, L. Yin, T.B. Scott, "Growth of self-assembled ZnO nanoleaf from aqueous solution by pulsed laser ablation", Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 215602.
- Y.L. Zhong, K.F. Chong, P.W. May, Z.-K. Chen, K.P. Loh, "Optimizing Biosensing Properties on Undecylenic Acid-Functionalized Diamond", Langmuir 23 (2007) 5824-30.
- L. Yang, P.W. May, L. Yin, Y. Huang, J.A. Smith, T.B. Scott, "Symmetric organization of self-assembled carbon nitride", Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 335605.
- P.W. May, W.J. Ludlow, M. Hannaway, P.J. Heard, J.A. Smith, K.N. Rosser, "Raman and conductivity studies of boron doped microcrystalline diamond, facetted nanocrystalline diamond and cauliflower diamond films", Chem. Phys. Lett. 446 (2007) 103-108.
- Yu. A. Mankelevich, M.N.R. Ashfold and A.J. Orr-Ewing, "Measurement and modeling of Ar/H2/CH4 arc jet discharge chemical vapor deposition reactors. I. Intercomparison of derived spatial variations of H atom, C2, and CH radical densities", J. Appl. Phys. 102 (2007) 063309 pp.1-13.
- Yu. A. Mankelevich, M.N.R. Ashfold and A.J. Orr-Ewing, "Measurement and modeling of Ar/H2/CH4 arc jet discharge chemical vapor deposition reactors. II. Modeling of the spatial dependence of expanded plasma parameters and species number densities", J. Appl. Phys. 102 (2007) 063310 pp.1-11.
- P.W. May, W.J. Ludlow, M. Hannaway, J.A. Smith, K.N. Rosser and P.J. Heard, "Boron doping of microcrystalline and nanocrystalline diamond films. Where is the Boron going?", Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1039 (2008) 1039-P17-03 (9 pages).
- P.W. May, P. Overton, J.A. Smith and K.N. Rosser, "Multi-wavelength Raman spectroscopy of nanodiamond particles", Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1039 (2008) 1039-P15-03 (7 pages).
- P.W. May, J.A. Smith and K.N. Rosser, "785 nm Raman spectroscopy of CVD diamond films", Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1039 (2008) 1039-P15-02 (9 pages).
- P.W. May, M. Davey, K.N. Rosser and P.J. Heard, "Arsenic and antimony doping: An attempt to deposit n-type CVD diamond", Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1039 (2008) 1039-P15-01 (5 pages).
- S.A. Furkert, A. Wotherspoon, D. Cherns, N.A. Fox, G.M. Fuge, P.J. Heard, S.P. Lansley, "Field emission observed from metal-diamond junctions revealed by atomic force microscopy", Appl. Phys. Letts., 90 (2007) 242109 (3 pages).
- P.W. May, W.J. Ludlow, M. Hannaway, P.J. Heard, J.A. Smith, and K.N. Rosser, "Raman and conductivity studies of boron doped microcrystalline diamond, facetted nanocrystalline diamond and cauliflower diamond films", Diamond Relat. Mater. 17 (2008) 105-117.
- P.W. May, J.A. Smith, K.N. Rosser, "785 nm Raman spectroscopy of CVD diamond films", Diamond Relat. Mater. 17 (2008) 199-203.
- P.W. May, "The new diamond age?", Science. 319 (2008) 1490-1491.
- A.Kh. Khachatryan, S.G. Aloyan, P.W. May, R. Sargsyan, V.A. Khachatryan, V.S. Baghdasaryan, "Graphite-to-diamond transformation induced by ultrasound cavitation", Diamond Relat. Mater. 17 (2008) 931-936.
- J.N. Hart, P.W. May, N.L. Allan, J.E Dahl, Shenggao Lui, Robert M Carlson, J.L. Adcock, "Vibrational analysis of per-fluorinated-triamantane", Chem. Phys. Letts.. 460 (2008) 237-240.
- L. Yang, P.W. May, L. Yin, "Self-assembled hierarchical architectures by liquid-phase pulsed laser ablation", Chapter 8 in the book Nanotechnology Research Developments, ed. R. Jiménez-Contreras (Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA, 2008) , pp.295-314.
- Yu.A. Mankelevich, P.W. May, "New insights into the mechanism of CVD diamond growth: Single Crystal diamond in MW PECVD Reactors", Diamond Relat. Mater. 17 (2008) 1021-28, as part of the Proc. Diamond 2007, Berlin, Sept 2007.
- P. W. May, Yu. A. Mankelevich, "From ultrananocrystalline diamond to single crystal diamond growth in hot filament and microwave plasma-enhanced CVD reactors: A unified model for growth rates and grain sizes" J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (2008) 12432–12441. [doi: 10.1021/jp803735a]
- N. Mitromara, J.H. Evans-Freeman, C. Gädtke, P.W. May, "High resolution Laplace deep level transient spectroscopy of p-type polycrystalline diamond", phys. stat. sol. (a) 205 (2008) 2184-9. [doi: 10.1002/pssa.200879710]
- D.W. Comerford, U.F.S. D'Haenens-Johansson, J.A. Smith, M.N.R. Ashfold, Yu.A. Mankelevich, "Filament seasoning and its effect on the chemistry prevailing in hot filament activated gas mixtures used in diamond chemical vapour deposition", Thin Solid Films 516 (2008) 521-5. [doi: 10.1016/j.tsf.2007.06.114]
- J.S. Lapington, P.W. May, N.A. Fox, J. Howorth, JA. Milnes, "Diamond dynodes create new breed of photon detectors", Laser Focus World (Sept 2008).
- J. Ma, J.C. Richley, M.N.R. Ashfold, Yu.A. Mankelevich, "Probing the plasma chemistry in a microwave reactor used for diamond chemical vapor deposition by cavity ring down spectroscopy", J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2008) 103305. [doi: 10.1063/1.3021095]
- Yu.A. Mankelevich, M.N.R. Ashfold, J. Ma, "Plasma-chemical processes in microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition reactors operating with C/H/Ar gas mixtures" J. Appl. Phys. 104 (2008) 113304. [doi: 10.1063/1.3035850]
- A. Cheesman, J.N. Harvey, M.N.R. Ashfold, "Studies of Carbon Incorporation on the Diamond {100} Surface during Chemical Vapor Deposition using Density Functional Theory" J. Phys. Chem. A 112 (2008) 11436. [doi: 10.1021/jp8034538]
- L.A. Donohue, A. Torosyan, P. May, D.E. Wolfe, J. Kulik, and T.J. Eden, "Investigation of PVD-DLC Thin Films Manufactured Using HIPIMS Etch/Unbalanced Magnetron Sputter (UBM) Deposition and Secondary Mechano-Chemical Modification", Platings and Surf. Finishing 96 (2009) 38-46.
- J. Ma, M. N. R. Ashfold, Yu. A. Mankelevich, "Validating optical emission spectroscopy as a diagnostic of microwave activated CH4/Ar/H2 plasmas used for diamond chemical vapor deposition", J. Appl. Phys. 105 (2009) 043302, p1-12. [doi: 10.1063/1.3078032]
- O.J.L. Fox, J. Ma, P.W. May, M.N.R. Ashfold, Yu.A. Mankelevich, "The role of inert gas in MW-enhanced plasmas for the deposition of nanocrystalline diamond thin films", Diamond Relat. Mater. 18 (2009) 750-58 [doi: 10.1016/j.diamond.2009.01.004], as part of the Proceedings of the European Diamond Conference, Sept 2008, Sitges, Spain.
- J. Ma, A. Cheesman, M.N.R. Ashfold, K.G. Hay, S. Wright, N. Langford, G. Duxbury, Yu.A. Mankelevich, "Quantum cascade laser investigations of CH4 and C2H2 interconversion in hydrocarbon/H2 gas mixtures during microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition of diamond", J. Appl. Phys. 106 (2009) 033305. [doi: 10.1063/1.3176971]
- J.E. Butler, Y.A. Mankelevich, A. Cheesman, J. Ma and M.N.R. Ashfold, "Understanding the chemical vapor deposition of diamond: recent progress", J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 21 (2009) 364201 [doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/36/364201].
- P.W. May, N.L. Allan, M.N.R. Ashfold, J.C. Richley and Yu.A. Mankelevich, "Simplified Monte Carlo Simulations of CVD Diamond Growth", J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 21 (2009) 364203 [doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/21/36/364203].
- V. Chernov, T.M. Piters, R. Meléndrez, S. Preciado-Flores, P.W. May, and M. Barboza-Flores, "Correlation between thermally and optically stimulated luminescence in beta-irradiated undoped CVD diamond", phys. stat. sol. a 206 (2009) 2098-2102 [doi: 10.1002/pssa.200982208], as part of the Proceedings of SBDD-14, Feb 2009, Hasselt, Belgium.
- R. Meléndrez, V. Chernov, P.W. May, B. Castañeda, M. Pedroza-Montero, and M. Barboza-Flores, "Thermoluminescence assessment of 0.5, 1.0 and 4.0 μm thick HFCVD undoped diamond films", phys. stat. sol. a 206 (2009) 2103–2108 [doi: 10.1002/pssa.200982214], as part of the Proceedings of SBDD-14, Feb 2009, Hasselt, Belgium.
- J.C. Richley, J.N. Harvey, M.N.R. Ashfold, "On the Role of Carbon Radical Insertion Reactions in the Growth of Diamond by Chemical Vapor Deposition Methods", J. Phys. Chem. A 113 (2009) 11416-11422. [doi: 10.1021/jp906065v]
- J.N. Hart, F. Claeyssens, N.L. Allan, P.W. May, "Carbon nitride: Ab initio investigation of carbon-rich phases", Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009) 174111 [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.174111].
- J.S. Lapington, D.P. Thompson, P.W. May, N.A. Fox, J. Howorth, J. Milnes, V. Taillandier, "Investigation of the secondary emission characteristics of CVD diamond films for electronamplification", Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. A, 610 (2009) 253–257. [doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.05.195]
- P.W. May, J.N. Harvey, N.L. Allan, J.C. Richley and Yu.A. Mankelevich, "Simulations of CVD Diamond Film Growth Using a Simplified Monte Carlo Model", in Diamond Electronics and Bioelectronics — Fundamentals to Applications III, edited by P. Bergonzo, J.E. Butler, R.B. Jackman, K.P. Loh, M. Nesladek (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Volume 1203, Warrendale, PA, 2010), paper J16-02. [doi: 10.1557/PROC-1203-J16-02]
- J.C. Richley, J.N. Harvey and M.N.R. Ashfold, "CH2 group migration between the H-terminated 2×1 reconstructed {100} and {111} surfaces of diamond", in Diamond Electronics and Bioelectronics - Fundamentals to Applications III, edited by P. Bergonzo, J.E. Butler, R.B. Jackman, K.P. Loh, M. Nesladek (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Volume 1203, Warrendale, PA, 2010), paper J17-32. [doi: 10.1557/PROC-1203-J17-32]
- O.J.L. Fox, J.O.P. Holloway, G.M. Fuge, P.W. May, M.N.R. Ashfold, "Electrospray deposition of diamond nanoparticle nucleation layers for subsequent CVD diamond growth", in Diamond Electronics and Bioelectronics - Fundamentals to Applications III, edited by P. Bergonzo, J.E. Butler, R.B. Jackman, K.P. Loh, M. Nesladek (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Volume 1203, Warrendale, PA, 2010), paper J17-27. [doi: 10.1557/PROC-1203-J17-27]
- P.W. May, "Chemical vapour deposition - A route to microcrystalline, nanocrystalline, ultrananocrystalline and single crystal diamond films", Chapter 6, pp. 145-176, in: Carbon Based Nanomaterials, Materials Science Foundations (monograph series), Vol. 65-66, Eds. N. Ali, A. Öchsner and W. Ahmed, Trans Tech, Switzerland, 2010), ISBN: 0-87849-155-4.
- J. Filik, "Diamondoid Hydrocarbons", Chapter 1, pp. 1-26, in: Carbon Based Nanomaterials, Materials Science Foundations (monograph series), Vol. 65-66, Eds. N. Ali, A. Öchsner and W. Ahmed, Trans Tech, Switzerland, 2010), ISBN: 0-87849-155-4.
- P.W. May, N.L. Allan, M.N.R. Ashfold, J.C. Richley and Yu.A. Mankelevich, "Simulations of Polycrystalline CVD Diamond Film Growth Using a Simplified Monte Carlo Model", Diamond Relat. Mater. 19 (2010) 389-396, as part of the Proceedings of the European Diamond Conference, Sept 2009, Athens, Greece. [doi: 10.1016/j.diamond.2009.10.030]
- K. Honglertkongsakul, P.W. May, B. Paosawatyanyong, "Electrical and optical properties of diamond-like carbon films deposited by pulsed laser ablation", Diam. Relat. Maters. 19 (2010) 999-1002, as part of the Proceedings of the European Diamond Conference, Sept 2009, Athens, Greece. [doi: 10.1016/j.diamond.2010.03.007]
- L. Yang, P.W. May, L. Yin, "Sequential nucleation and growth of complex nanostructures by a two-step strategy", Chapter 12 in Nanotechnology Nanofabrication, Patterning and Self Assembly, edited by C.J. Dixon and O.W. Curtines (Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, USA, 2010), pp.409-433. ISBN: 978-1-60692-162-3.
- P.W. May, J.N. Harvey, N.L. Allan, J.C. Richley, Yu.A. Mankelevich, "Simulations of CVD Diamond Film Growth Using a Kinetic Monte Carlo Model", J. Appl. Phys 108, (2010) 014905 (12 pages). [doi: 10.1063/1.3437647]
- K. M. O’Donnell, T. L. Martin, N. A. Fox, and D. Cherns, "Ab initio investigation of lithium on the diamond C(100) surface", Phys. Rev. B 82, (2010) 115303 [doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.115303].
- V. Chernov, T. Piters, P. W. May, R. Meléndrez, M. Pedroza and M. Barboza-Flores, "Linear-supralinear-sublinear beta-ray dose dependences of TL, OSL and afterglow in undoped CVD diamond", Phys. Status Solidi A 207 (2010) 2125-30. [doi: 10.1002/pssa.201000021]
- V. Chernov, T. Piters, P. W. May, R. Meléndrez, M. Pedroza and M. Barboza-Flores, "Comparative study of TL created in undoped CVD diamond by beta rays, UV and visible light", Phys. Status Solidi A 207 (2010) 2119-24. [doi: 10.1002/pssa.201000018]
- P. W. May, J. N. Harvey, N. L. Allan, J. C. Richley, Yu. A. Mankelevich, "Simulations of chemical vapor deposition diamond film growth using a kinetic Monte Carlo model and two-dimensional models of Microwave plasma and Hot Filament CVD reactors", J. Appl. Phys. 108 (2010) 114909. [doi: 10.1063/1.3516498]
- L. Alianelli, K.J.S. Sawhney, A. Malik, O.J.L. Fox, P.W. May, R. Stevens, I.M. Loader and M.C. Wilson, "A planar refractive x-ray lens made of nano-crystalline diamond", J. Appl. Phys. 108 (2010) 123107. [doi: 10.1063/1.3517060]
- Jie Ma, J.C. Richley, D.R.W. Davies, A. Cheesman, M.N.R. Ashfold and Y.A. Mankelevich, "Spectroscopic and modelling investigations of the gas phase chemistry and consumption in microwave plasma activated B2H6/Ar/H2 gas mixtures", J. Phys. Chem. A.. 114 (2010) 2447-63. [doi: 10.1021/jp9094694]
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