PhD and MSc Theses
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Paul W May, PhD, "The Energies of Ions, Electrons and Neutrals in Reactive Ion Eching Plasmas", June 1991.
Roland S. Tsang, PhD, "Characterisation of the Gas-Phase Environment in a Hot Filament Diamond Chemical Vapour Deposition Chamber Using Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry", August 1997.
Stuart M. Leeds, PhD, "Characterisation of the Gas-Phase Environment in a Microwave Plasma Enhanced Diamond Chemical Vapour Deposition Reactor using Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry", June 1999.
Steve A. Redman, PhD, "Spectroscopic Studies of the Diamond Chemical Vapour Deposition Environment", July 1999.
Robert J. Lade, PhD, "Pulsed Ultraviolet Laser Ablation of Carbon Containing Targets", November 1999.
Marcus A. Elliott, MSc, "Microwave Chemical Vapour Deposition of Diamond using Methane-Carbon Dioxide gas Mixtures", January 2000.
Ming-Tsun Kuo, PhD, "Field Emission and Annealing Studies of n-Type Doped Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films", July 2001.
M.N. Latto, PhD, "The Electrochemistry of Diamond", September 2001.
Frederick Claeyssens, PhD, "Fundamental Studies of Pulsed Laser Ablation", December 2001.
James A. Smith, PhD, "Laser Diagnostics of a Diamond depositing Chemical Vapour Deposition gas-phase environment", May 2002.
James R. Petherbridge, PhD, "Diagnostics of Microwave Activated Novel Gas Mixtures for Diamond Chemical Vapour Deposition", July 2002.
Gustavo Pastor-Moreno, PhD, "Electrochemical Applications of CVD Diamond", July 2002.
Sean R.J. Pearce, PhD, "The Synthesis and Characterisation of Carbon Phosphide", Sept 2003.
Andrew Cheesman, PhD, "Investigations into the fundamentals of gas-phase and gas-surface chemistry prevalent in growth of Chemical Vapour Deposited diamond films", July 2006.
Jacob Filik, PhD, "Fundamental Studies on the Deposition and Characterisation of Novel Diamond-like Materials", Sept 2006.
Edward Crichton, PhD, "Construction of a Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometer for In-Situ probing of a Diamond Chemical Vapour Deposition Environment", June 2007.
Li Yang, PhD, "Self-Assembly and Ordering Nanomaterials by Liquid-Phase Pulsed Laser Ablation", November 2007.
Jie Ma, PhD, "Exploration of the gas phase chemistry in microwave activated plasmas used for diamond chemical vapour deposition", June 2008.
Oliver Fox, PhD, "Deposition of nanocrystalline diamond films by MW plasma CVD and Gas-phase diagnostics using in-situ molecular-beam mass spectrometry and emission spectroscopy", August 2011.
Tomas Martin, PhD, "Lithium-oxygen termination as a negative electron affinity surface on diamond: a computational and photoemission study", July 2011.
James C. Richley, PhD, "Fundamental studies of diamond chemical vapour deposition: Plasma diagnostics and computer modelling", November 2011.
Ben Truscott, PhD, "An optical emission spectroscopic study of laser-induced Zn and ZnO plasma", March 2013.
Raquel M.A. Vaz, PhD, "Studies of the secondary electron emission from diamond films", September 2013.
Mark Kelly, PhD, "Laser diagnosis and computer modelling of C/H/O and C/H/N plasmas used in diamond chemical vapour deposition", March 2014.
Monika Allen, PhD, "Fabrication of diamond-based microplasma devices", May 2014.
M. Zamir Othman, PhD, "Studies of n-type doping and surface modification of CVD diamond for use in thermionic applications", June 2014.
W. Jeff Rodgers, PhD, "Multi-scale modelling of diamond grown via chemical vapour deposition", September 2014.
Sarah Halliwell, PhD, "Characterisation of co-doped CVD diamond for potential thermionic applications", January 2017.
Xian Zhang, PhD, "Investigation of heavily boron doped diamond thin film for electronic devices", March 2017.
Hugo Domínguez Andrade, PhD, "Work function modification studies for energy applications: from surface chemical functionalisation to plasmonic tuning", November 2017.
Alex Croot, PhD, "Boron and nitrogen in diamond: an ab initio simulation, plasma emission spectroscopy and material deposition & characterisation study", June 2018.
Edward J. D. Mahoney, PhD, "Alternative Excitation Mechanisms Occurring within Microwave-activated Plasmas under Conditions Relevant to the Chemical Vapour Deposition of Diamond", May 2019.
Michael C. James, PhD, "Aluminium and Oxygen Termination of Diamond for Thermionic Applications", February 2020.
Fabian Fogarty, PhD, "Renewable Energy – Low Temperature Thermionic Emission from Modified Diamond Surfaces", July 2020.
Yuet Mun Gary Wan, PhD, "Characterization of Electron Emission From Diamond Surfaces For Energy Conversion Devices", January 2021.
Tahani Almutairi, PhD, "Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of n-Type Doped Diamond", March 2021.
Dominic Palubiski, PhD, "Pulsed-DC plasma-assisted CVD:construction, plasma analysis,diamond growth, and possible alternative in nanocomposite", March 2021.
Limin Yang, PhD, "Cobalt and Beryllium in Diamond: Experimental and First-Principles Calculations of Magnetic and Electronic Properties", August 2021.
Edmund Smith, PhD, "Growing Diamond on Unusual Substrates", October 2021.
Max Williams, PhD, "Modelling {100} CVD Diamond Growth Using Kinetic Monte Carlo", March 2022.
Ramiz Zulkharnay, PhD, "Electron Emission Studies of Scandium on Diamond for Thermionic Solar Energy Generation Devices", February 2023.
Matthew Brumwell, PhD, "Investigations into the Crystallisation-Driven Self-Assembly of Poly(ferrocenylsilane)-based Polymers as a Route to Fabricating Nanoscale Templates for the Chemical Vapour Deposition of Diamond", September 2023.