Previous students
This page is intended to give an idea of work that has been carried out by previous members of the group. It does not therefore
claim to be up to date, or even complete!
Please allow for the fact that many pages are the same as they were before the person in
question left the group.
Left the group in 2011
Joanne Rowe - Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles
Ben Cheesman - Development of Curable Materials for Medical Applications
Sairoong Muangpil - Characterisation of Filled Polymers
Deborah Durbin (Visiting Student from Canada)
Left the group in 2010
Beth Foster - Multifunctional Polymers
Left the group in 2009
Haruna Musa - Synthesis, Characterisation and Application of Linear and Star Polymers of Poly(Styrene Sulfonate)
Joel Manuvelpillai - Revolymer
Voss Gibson - Developing an Easily Removable Chewing Gum
Jirut Wattoom - The AFM lasso- a new analytical tool for sequencing single polymer molecules
Left the group in 2008
Erol Hasan - Synthesis Post-Doc
Block copolymers at Oil-Water Interfaces
Clay-polymer composites
Nanoparticles as antifoam agents
Polymer and surfactant adsorption at solid/liquid interfaces with relevance to detergents
Left the group in 2007
Particle Characterisation Using NMR Diffusometry and Scattering Techniques
Using NMR to study the diffusion of drugs in heterogeneous media
Left the group in 2006
Colloid and Polymer interactions
NMR in study of intermolecular interactions and structure of polymer solutions and films
Left the group in 2005
Cecile Dreiss
Small-angle scattering
Wirach Taweepreda
Studies of Inclusion Complexes of Polymer with Cyclodextrins
Stuart Hicks
Investigating the generation, characterisation and structure of biliquid foams
Left the group in 2004
Vania Croce
Surfactants and Porous media
Natalie Benton
Siloxane Resins and Siloxane Resin/Siloxane Polymer Blends
Left the group in 2003
Mathias Lundgren
Molecular Modelling of Basic Interactions in Fine Chemical Formulations
Eloise Stattersfield
Adsorption and Complexation of Nano-colloids with Gels
Andy Nelson
Adsorption of Polyelectrolytes at the Clay/Water Interface
Antigoni Messaritaki
The Transport Properties of Small Molecules: the Effects of their Shape and Environment
Nicola Nugent
Adjvants for Agrochemicals
Left the group in 2002
Kevin Jack
Solid state NMR
Julie Joseph
Joung-Yoon Choi
Polymer Degradation
Lucie Garreau
Polymer Surfactant Interactions
Tania Garasanin
Emulsion Systems
John Marshall
Polyelectrolyte/Gelatin Interactions
Nilia Romero
Structure and Properties of Core-Shell Gel Particles
Left the group in 2000
Nadine Jenkins (nee Hatto)
Cross linking in water soluble polymers
Claire Roberts
Mark Warne
Molecular Modelling
Andrew Flower
Confined Polymers
Dr Susanna Abrahmsen-Alami
Transport and Interactions in Drug Delivery Systems
Left the group in 1999
John Hone
Gelatin Interfacial Layers
Robin Wesley
Polymer/Surfactant Interactions
Left the group in 1998
Ian Weatherhead
Siloxane Polymers and Silica
Sian Calpin-Davies
Three emulsion systems
Jabir Ali Shar
Block Copolymers
Dr Sarah Mears
Sugar rings threaded on polymers at interfaces
Left the group in 1997
Juliet Cox
Neutron Reflectometry Surface Force Apparatus 'NELLI'
Victor Pryamitsyn
Theory of Polymers
Nick Green
Polyglycols at Clay Surfaces